Beta 1.14

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Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
hmm not sure if I can fix that I believe it has to do with the new emulation chipset, something about timing between start and plunge.


I wasn't sure how consequential it would be, but it is reproducible.

As always you're doing an excellent job with everything Ryan

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
sorry just saw that, yes I plan on supporting the new google play leaderboard etc feature, most likely after the ouya launch and what not.

Pop Sergeant

New member
Jul 26, 2012

Device/OS: Toshiba Thrive / 4.04

Bug Description: Multiball Collision passed ball through extended right flipper

Steps To Reproduce: Multiball in play, right flipper held up (extended); first (lower) ball hit base end of flipper and rebounded up into second ball that was coming down the table at speed; lower ball then passed through center of extended right flipper and drained; second ball contacted flipper in same area and stayed in play.

Frequency: 1% (freak occurrence)

Additional Comments:

I'm certain it happened, my focus was on the balls in an attempt to capture and cradle one or both (hey, a guy can dream!); neither ball appeared to be in contact with the flipper when the collision occurred and the lower ball that passed through the flipper on the ricochet did not appear to be in contact with the upper ball when the pass-through occurred but it was a very fast sequence. The collision itself happened approx. 2 (or less but more than 1) ball lengths above the extended flipper. I thought maybe you could try to reproduce with a ball cannon. I've tried several times to set up the same chain of events near the flipper but it's just too random.

Not Related Comment: I've had no other physics issues or slow downs at all, on any table, with this beta build on my device. Both the new tables are very well done. I'll be sad to see the alpha reduced if that effects transparencies but overall assessment for my device and playing style is 99.99 % positive.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Ok here is the latest build:

-Made some performance passes on the two new tables.
-Added invert nudge option and made it persistent.
-Defaulted invert nudge back to the way it was on fresh install.
-Fixed texture issue where the sun was being cut off.
-fixed centaur stalling sound issue with the bg music.
-fixed a z fighting issue on pinbot, left side near drop targets.
-Removed alpha planes to improve performance.
-fixed quit crash at the end of demo score.
-removed dynamic hud from the tables to improve performance.
-Fixed internet connectivity crashes.
-Fixed back button decal on extras menu.
-updated space shuttle to fix transparency issue with ball locks on the side and to fix hud (management had us change it to a more compact version). Version 2 of the rez file.
-updated environment to use the same resource as IOS, no more space carpet. This could possibly help some devices that were gpu bound.
-Fixed pro version’s disappearing buttons.
-Fixed some hud issues with LCD style huds that could improve performance on devices that were fill rate bound like Nexus 10.
-Added event camera toggle.

Andrew Sully

New member
Oct 2, 2012
I just played a shmup game then with the framework, and it is really slick!

The integration is so seamless. Even if we could get a start with basic user account follows in TPA, then branch out into table achievements later.

Would love to see it implemented for TPA.

I would also love to see an ADD Friend icon to existing users. I have about 25% of friends who play TPA who do not use social media, so to add a friend via high scores or search name within TPA would help me and others i know who have friends who do not use FB or other forms of social media.

And i big thnx for TPA, as a life long user of pinmame/vispinball and future pinball i jumped on TPA from the start. Now if i could get a TPA editor that would make my dream come true,lol.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
let me put up another one i just a bug that was introduced while fixing the internet connection crash issue...


I saw some intermittent slow downs, and odd behaviour with dropped frames. I was going to ask about this, but you have a new build.

Ryan is the man as usual.

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
ok here ya go

Not sure if it was slowing you guys down but tt was polling the IsOnline function every frame which was causing more garbage collection than i felt comfortable with.

Haha... I had written up a long, detailed write-up describing the behavior of the bug, (my internet went down right after I finished downloading the first file because of a storm) but the newer build seems to have taken care of it.

Thanks again. :cool:


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
ok here ya go

Not sure if it was slowing you guys down but tt was polling the IsOnline function every frame which was causing more garbage collection than i felt comfortable with.

This fixed the framerate issue on Pin●Bot that I was just about to report. Both Centaur and Pin●Bot run great now on my Galaxy S III. Also, I didn't realize you were going to disable the flashers on Pin●Bot completely. Hopefully we'll get them back soon, but I am satisfied with how much better Pin●Bot plays now. Lastly, the slingshots are still not animating correctly on Centaur.

Great job Ryan!...keep up the good work. :)


Staff member
May 8, 2012
sorry just saw that, yes I plan on supporting the new google play leaderboard etc feature, most likely after the ouya launch and what not.

I'm stoked to hear that, Ryan! The leaderboard is very cool on enabled games. Will in game standard and wizard goals be hooked into the Play framework as well? It is very cool!


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Ryan, is there a chance you can update Firepower with the tweaked pop bumpers? They are very powerful (like on the real table) on iOS and the Android table still seems to lack this tweak.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I also wanted to mention that for the past couple of months, Ripley's plays very slow like someone lowered the slope of the table. The framerate is smooth, but plays much slower than it used to.

By the way, the latest build fixed the framerate issue I had on TOTAN for the past two months...thanks for that.

EDIT : The scoreboard on Space Shuttle seems to be a bit compressed vertically plus the confirmation dialogue is drowned out by the attract sound on the table select screen.

The attract sound (like on Big Shot) for Central Park is still missing from both the table select screen and the table flyover screen.
Last edited:


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Ryan, if you don't mind, could you add the alpha planes back into Pin●Bot so that we can test performance? I believe the bug you fixed on the latest beta was the real culprit in the table having framerate issues. I'd hate to see the alpha planes left off the final release if it's not necessary.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Ryan, if you don't mind, could you add the alpha planes back into Pin●Bot so that we can test performance? I believe the bug you fixed on the latest beta was the real culprit in the table having framerate issues. I'd hate to see the alpha planes left off the final release if it's not necessary.

+1 for this.

See, this is why we need thanks button functionality in the forum.
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