Beta 1.14

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Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Not wanting to come across as an arse, but don't you check these things on your in-house devices?


Very slow frame rate on Nexus 10, Anemic bumpers, predicable and repeatable ball path logic off of bumpers and sling shots in Centaur and Pin*Bot.

3 balls out of 5 should not go left sling - right sling - left out lane in Pin*Bot; this is what I mean by repeatable and predictable.
bounces off of the left bumper on Centaur should not bounce the ball 1 time to have it go of the wall and up into the roll overs, to repeat this action so that you can complete the bonus multiplier 2-3 times with no action other than changing the roll over lane by flipping.

Wasn't there going to be switch to turn off/on camera f/x?

The UI still has freezing and closing issues.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Thanks for the Beta build. Love Centaur. Bug: If you open the coin door on Totan (and maybe others) some buttons are missing and the text is all out of place. Tested on a Nexus 7.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Ryan, does purchasing the season pass include the pro menus as well?.


Ryan, does purchasing the season pass include the pro menus as well?.

Based on the season pass options I was provided there are two options. one with and one without.

The $39 does not have the pro menus included, but the $49 one does.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
No performance issues on N7 - framerate seems good on new tables.

Inverted (or corrected) nudge is annoying, due to long standing Android bug - max of 2 touch points allowed in TPA, and further fault of hold flipper and nudge, causes upheld flipper to pulse. It was if done on opposite sides, now it's on same side due to inversion, and this is now a major issue (it wasn't too bad when on opposite sides as you don't commonly nudge in this fashion).
Hopefully this will be fixed (put back to semi - broken) with 'invert nudge' option that's due to be added- but please make it a persistent setting, or set the default nudge config back as it was. I'd hate to have to change this each start of the game.

No native controller support yet. Is this still coming Ryan?

No table file updates or fixes for existing bugs.
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Based on the season pass options I was provided there are two options. one with and one without.

The $39 does not have the pro menus included, but the $49 one does.

Thanks...I see the two options now. The main pop up screen only stating the prices for the non-pro packs is a bit confusing. Maybe those prices should be removed from the main pop up screen to avoid confusion.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Based on the season pass options I was provided there are two options. one with and one without.

The $39 does not have the pro menus included, but the $49 one does.

I was adding it up, it's $49 for all tables and pro packs 11 through 20.

I already own 11, 12 & 13 (which must be common), which would mean 7 packs more, priced at around $8 for pro pack = $56. This means I'd only save $7 (£4) not knowing what I'm buying, or if they'll actually get release.

Won't this also discourage future Kickstarter backers - no KS rewards if you've already bought the table.

Not for me thanks (plus I'm vetting everything before buying with recent quality issues).

This isn't having a go at Ryan BTW. It's a Farsight issue.
Thanks as always Ryan.


The seasons pass is a way to get away from doing the kickstarter IMO, they get a guaranteed #of sales to show to the licensee, and this will affect the pricing. Plus with a subscription income this will make FS flush vs $5 a month. This may allow them to buy a license themselves and then draw in new players via the new opening platforms (ouya, steam, etc) and the inclusion of newer Licensed tables.

That's just my view on it and why I have no issue with the subscription model.

Oh yeah. As I noticed in 1.13.0 using a ball skin when the performance lags seems to, for whatever reason, improve the frame rate. Similar to the way that turning off the HUD does.

On Pin*Bot turning off the HUD has a marked improvement on the performance of the table, but on Centaur not so much.
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Jan 30, 2013
Pinbot stuck on table view after highscore input, had to exit app and force close.

Btw won't buy season subscription but will buy every table the minute they're released, more money to FS in the long run.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Galaxy S III Android 4.1.2

Centaur has a slight noticeable framerate issue. Also, the slingshots are not animating correctly.

Pin●Bot has severe framerate issues. Also, I was wondering if you could have the recently lit pop bumpers on iOS added to the next table version you put up for Android.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013

Will native controller support still be added sometime?

Will 'Nudge invert' and 'Event camera toggle' be persistent settings?
(it'll be a ball ache if not).

(less importantly) I thought the carpet was history this version, are you still planning on ripping it up?


Jan 30, 2013
Don't know if it's in my head but ball physics on centaur feels amazing! Did a live catch that looked spectacular!

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
We are looking into the slowdown, that takes priority obviously but thank you for all the feedback and I will try to address the other issues as well! I am guessing its due to the fact that these are lcd tables, those draw calls are horrendously slow since it pushes the texture every frame. Not sure on the carpet, but eventually native support for controllers will be added but due to the fragmentation I am going to have to set something up so you guys can map them to the buttons you want, the ouya controller setup didn't carry over well. I'll check up on the bumpers on pinbot, maybe something wasn't carried over. I'll add the option for the nudge as well, you guys would rather have it default to how it was?


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Pinbots "face" looks a bit bent up and distorted.
Right side just looks wrong past the downward bend under the nose. Not symmetrical... Like the piece is bent inward.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
love it when new tables are released - that new shiny feeling and chance to be competitive on the high scores.

  • Centaur sounds and looks great (nice 3D effect)
  • Plays crazy fast
  • When balls drain down the outlanes, the ball can bounce back onto the flippers - the animation here is really bad. The ball just suddenly jumps back up and looks totally fake.
  • Plays great on my nexus 7. *EDIT* Actually Centaur seems to be missing frames - ball suddenly jumps from one place to another.

Can we have the nudge put back short term, but configurable long term? It's driving me nuts already.

Only had a quick play on PinBot but nice to see the slingshots animated.
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Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
Device/OS: Nexus 7 / 4.2.2

Bug Description: Ball goes through side of table on Pin*Bot behind the drop targets.

Steps To Reproduce: Shoot the lower the the three drop targets. Shoot that exact spot again with a hard shot from the right flipper.

Frequency: Only seen once so far.

Additional Comments: I love, love, LOVE Pin*Bot! Thanks, Farsight and Ryan!


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Not here to nitpick, I, like all of us here, absolutely LOVE TPA. I buy the tables the moment I see them, every time.

I don't get the season pass pricing for this season, it doesn't benefit hardcore table buyers like us that already own packs 11, 12 and 13. Bummer. A bonus table would have been really cool though :)

Next season, I'm all over it!

Well, off to find bugs.

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
Device/OS: Nexus 7 / 4.2.2

Bug Description: The lower half of the Sun is blacked out.

Steps To Reproduce: None

Frequency: 100%



New member
Nov 28, 2012
Centaur, ball barely touches top left gate into the 500 point rollovers area, and the ball gets flung into the left most rollover... Not natural physics.

Exiting free table closes app.

Samsung Galaxy Note 2
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