Request Beta of Pinball Arcade for PC?

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New member
Mar 26, 2012
Quote from the newsletter:

The version of our new Steam platform for the Pinball Arcade is now Beta! If you are one of our Kickstarter backers entitled to Beta access on the PC platform, watch your email for information on how to get access within the next few days. We are planning an August release for the Pinball Arcade on Steam with all of the current table packs available.

Hope to get the beta key soon =)
Now, I remember when they said that if you selected PC for any of the Kickstarters, you wouldn't have access to the four base tables but you'd get early/beta access to the table you backed. I assume this is still on the cards? I haven't read anything of it since.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
That was months ago. A lot has changed since then with Steam. I assume you will get access to at least one of the four base tables, demos of the others and full access to your kickstarter backed tables.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Makes sense, it's a lot more powerful to push the PC release with Terminator 2 than it is to release it with Tee'd Off and something else.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Haven't we had updates before? Didn't Bobby mention in the previous interview that there should be no reason that people shouldn't start receiving the beta like the next week. I don't trust a word they say. Sorry, not buying it anymore til I see it in my hands.

Games have been being delayed nearly since the beginning of time. God, Perfect Dark for N64 was delayed and delayed and delayed and delayed and delayed.
At least it's not Duke Nukem Forever.

Sounds delicious. *___*

Lol, Stuart, of all the FS employees your posts make me lol the hardest

I sense an impending explosion.

PAF now has it's own meme...wonderful.

The Carl explosion thing is a running gag:

And one that you yourself have participated in:

Well, don't I look a charley now. My apologies to FarSight and the readership for incorrectly predicting that the Win8 version was dropped in favor of Steam.

All good Sean, you stated pretty clearly that you don't work for them. Anything said by anyone that doesn't have Farsight Employee under their name should always be taken as speculation.


New member
May 29, 2013
Packers? hah. I lived in Chicago to long to abandon duh Bears. Hated the traffic pre and post game at Soldier Field but it really wasnt that much worse than the daily rush hour on Lake Shore Drive.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
So...August 23 or later (or earlier, if all goes well)?

Even if it's during school (starts the DAY BEFORE PAPA 16), I'm REALLY excited about the launch.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
what better way to start the pinball arcade pc version then the launch of the t2 table about 1 month apart from the last pack, pinball arcade is about to become self aware :)


New member
Jul 27, 2012
Hope I'm included in the beta.. I was a $100 backer for both TZ and STTNG, and a $400 backer for T2. Looking forward to hopefully putting the beta through its paces...


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I was a $100 backer for T2 and $50 for TNG (completely forgot about TZ, damnit). Is there somewhere where it's written about beta access for individual tables? Because first I thought it was if you picked PC as your platform (which would imply you could get it at the lowest reward tier) but now I honestly don't know what's going on.

So...August 23 or later (or earlier, if all goes well)?

Even if it's during school (starts the DAY BEFORE PAPA 16), I'm REALLY excited about the launch.
Hoping that PAPA TV is up and running by then! Man, that would be sweet. Will call the entire weekend off, watching that non-stop.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
Hoping that PAPA TV is up and running by then! Man, that would be sweet. Will call the entire weekend off, watching that non-stop.

Me too! I backed PAPA TV kickstarter and I had so much fun watching the live streaming they did in collaboration with (can't remember the name). Hooked a PC monitor to my HTPC so I was watching the broadcast on my 48" HDTV and had the chat on a 19" lcd on the sofatable. Was really fun :D


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Hope I'm included in the beta.. I was a $100 backer for both TZ and STTNG, and a $400 backer for T2. Looking forward to hopefully putting the beta through its paces...

Yea your included. I'm hoping they remember me this time. Originally there was a problem with my kickstater survey so I missed out on a couple days of the TZ pc beta. A quick email got it all taken care of though. Anyone get an email about the steam beta yet?
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