Request Beta of Pinball Arcade for PC?

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New member
Apr 16, 2012
Shouldn't have to. Would have been better for them to email the customers like they have been doing for the $400 beta testers. They have a list of people. What are they waiting for? Wasn't it supposed to start already? They should be doing that on their end. We shouldn't have to squeeze it out of them.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I think the issue is that people are confusing the Steam beta with the T2 beta. These are 2 separate betas:

  • The Steam beta, so far as I know (FarSight, correct me if I have this wrong) is going to everyone who backed $100+ on TZ and/or ST:TNG, as well as everyone who backed $10-$99 on TZ and/or ST:TNG who chose PC as one of the platforms they wanted. This is a one-shot deal and beta access stops when the Steam version is officially released. I do not know whether T2 backers who have all platforms or who selected PC as a platform are eligible to participate. Backers for the Steam beta have not been contacted yet because FarSight does not yet have Steam beta codes to distribute.
  • The $400 tier for T2, on the other hand, lets its backers choose one platform (which may or may not be PC) and they then have beta access for all future tables on that platform. These backers should have already been contacted and asked to choose a platform.
In addition, there are/were/will be other betas past, present and future:

  • The iOS beta is invitation-only and involves a small number of testers from this forum, plus those who backed $400+ for T2 and chose iOS.
  • The Android beta, on the other hand, is open to anyone who cares to download the beta files from this forum, but Android typically receives its beta only a few days before release.
  • There was a PC beta specifically for Twilight Zone at the end of 2012. This was open only to those who pledged $500+ for TZ, and the beta contained only TZ itself. (There was no main menu; it launched directly into TZ.) That beta stopped working (by design) on January 1, 2013.
  • There will be an ongoing PC beta (not the same as the Steam beta above) once the PC version is released. As far as I know, it will run like the iOS beta. That is, selected members of this forum will be invited as testers, plus those who backed $400+ for T2 and chose PC.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Thanks for putting all together. Hopefully, that will cover all questions.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Let's let someone from FarSight confirm I have this all correct, before we start treating it as gospel.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Thanks Sean, it has been confusing, I definitely fall into here:

"as well as everyone who backed $10-$99 on TZ and/or ST:TNG who chose PC as one of the platforms they wanted." because I contributed $30-40 each

...but with all the $100+ talk that goes on around here I almost thought everyone forgot about little guys, then I started to even question myself!

PC&360 all the way!
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Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
That's actually the part I'm least certain about and would like confirmed. My mind tells me that I've heard it before, but I can't remember where I heard it.


New member
Jun 5, 2012
That's actually the part I'm least certain about and would like confirmed. My mind tells me that I've heard it before, but I can't remember where I heard it.

From Newsletter #14 (April 20, 2013):
To celebrate, Kickstarter backers who selected the Windows version can expect to be getting a beta build of the Windows version in the next several weeks.


New member
Apr 16, 2012


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I have been led to believe for 6-7 months now that I will beta test (at least for TZ and STTNG, $100 kickstarters). Has anything changed? I think with the beta test about to start it is time for them to open up a little and tell their customers what the hell is going on. Who exactly will be beta testing? Not when, but who.

This is totally unacceptable.

"The Steam beta, so far as I know (FarSight, correct me if I have this wrong) is going to everyone who backed $100+ on TZ and/or ST:TNG, as well as everyone who backed $10-$99 on TZ and/or ST:TNG who chose PC as one of the platforms they wanted. This is a one-shot deal and beta access stops when the Steam version is officially released. I do not know whether T2 backers who have all platforms or who selected PC as a platform are eligible to participate. Backers for the Steam beta have not been contacted yet because FarSight does not yet have Steam beta codes to distribute."

How have I been led to believe the same thing for months now only to now be told something different. When did all of this change? Last night?

Can I get my money back for the Kickstarters? I am glad I didn't contribute to T2 and this was one of the main reason why I didn't, the PC fiasco. I will not be contributing to any other kickstarters in the future now, that's for damn sure. A little communication would have cleared this all up, but no. That would be too hard for them. WTF!!
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New member
Jun 5, 2012
Maybe you accidentally went through your mails from last year? ;)

Mike, care to comment about those heavy accusations? Also, how are your friends at steam doing?


New member
May 5, 2012
No need to fly off the handle yet. If external communication is any indication, internal communication may not be perfect at Farsight either. Let's wait for Mike to weigh in on this. It was promised to us in a newsletter, so I doubt they'd change course so drastically without a public announcement.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
No need to fly off the handle yet. If external communication is any indication, internal communication may not be perfect at Farsight either. Let's wait for Mike to weigh in on this. It was promised to us in a newsletter, so I doubt they'd change course so drastically without a public announcement.

I have images of the entire team sat there in complete silence :D


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Additionally, as far as I know, the $500 tiers already got a beta months ago. Wouldn't make sense to scare off the last fans by not releasing what's probably going to be a 2-week-before-final-release..


New member
May 29, 2013
The Luxembourgh Steam contact is Jason Bornagain and he is praying he can remember where he put the beta pass's.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
I also expected to beta test for PC based on my less than $500 kickstarter pledges and Farsight's comments after the kickstarter closed. However, if I don't get it then it will just be another couple of weeks until I can get the public version. When I made my pledge on both of these I wasn't expecting to get beta access. If FS goes back on what they said I guess I'm not really surprised. Also, I'm wondering if getting hundreds of people setup for beta access won't delay the public release.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I went back and checked the newsletters and found this:

Newsletter 14:
We've finally been greenlit on Steam!

We expect to have a new version of the Pinball Arcade available on Steam in a couple of months. Thanks for your patience and for your support in voting for us!

To celebrate, Kickstarter backers who selected the Windows version can expect to be getting a beta build of the Windows version in the next several weeks.

Not exact but sounds like any one who selected the PC as a option would get access to the beta. But then there's this

Newsletter 16:
Since our Steam Greenlight several months ago, we’ve been hard at work creating a Steam version of the Pinball Arcade. We’re happy to announce that the first Beta build of the Steam platform was released to internal test last week! We will be conducting a closed public Beta of the Steam version in July- if you are one of our Kickstarter backers entitled to Beta access on the PC platform, watch your email for information on how to get access! We are targeting an August release for the Pinball Arcade on Steam with all of the current table packs available.

This makes it sould like only those already entitled to beta access would get the steam beta.

I deleted Newsletter 15 so I can't quote that one. If anyone has it can you check to see if it mentions anything about steam.

Further I think it was a podcast interview with Bobby that mentioned the steam beta for 100+ backers, There was also mention of those who chose PC as a platform in the KS would get the 1st 4 table pack for free as part of their reward. I can't find the Podcast though so if anyone can find that post it here.
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