Big Buck Hunter Pinball...without the buck!

I visited the local movie theater up at the mall on Saturday, and found that the pinball machine there was working! It was a Big Buck Hunter Pro, a Stern machine made in 2010(-ish?). Wanted to play it the other time I visited, but the ball trough's coil was not working at that time. Reported it to Cinemark and they got it fixed by the time I returned!

The machine worked perfectly except for one major flaw: The moving buck wasn't registering shots. (It did move, though.) I'll try and get a hold of them later on to fix that piece. Everything else was working just fine, and I managed to get a few multiball modes going. I even managed to trap all 4 balls at the same time during a stack of Elk and Bird! With a 5,000,000 Replay value, I managed to get about 5-6 free games for 25-cent play, and managed a decent game of 19,437,430. (Thought it was only 2 tokens; somehow it must be the tokens I put in instead of regular quarters.) Other than that, I enjoyed playing this game.

(A few people even watched me play like they haven't seen a player this good! Most especially a teenager (I think?) and two little boys.)

EDIT: Sad to say that I won't be playing this particular machine again. Might stick with the Metallica over at the skating rink...but how can I find time?

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