Big bug continued...

New member
Aug 20, 2012
Maybe in all my frustration I miscommunicated, I already knew that the score displayed on the machine is limited as well as the high score list, BUT the big bug that I am talking about is the actual scoring program written that tabulates the score on this machine, there is a bug, it does NOT properly add the scoring hence the score displayed on the leaderboard is already incorrect before it is assigned to the leaderboard......and I know that the number of pop bumper hits needed increases after every superjackpot, but SOMETIMES after only hitting ONE superjackpot(and the value of jackpot could be minimal) does the number of hits required go 2 to 500 hits????? love this machine, pinballarcade is a dream come true....can't wait for CYCLONE !!!!!!

Tarek Oberdieck

New member
Jan 18, 2015
I can´t remember exactly at the moment what`s the max jet bumpers hits required to light the super Jackpot. For sure only an 8 bit value, so under 255. I think it was 200 or 225. Did you really have 500 hits?

New member
Aug 20, 2012
wow I can't believe i'm actually talking to the leaderboard KING, I thought tarek was actually some hacker who went around posting obscenely highscores to my favorite game, tarek, if these highscores are actually real you have my must spend an insane amount of time playing these machines, congratulations. so, on to the pop bumpers on creature, explain determines the amount of hits needed, and why I would need 250 hits only after one superjackpot(and a minimal valued one at that) and if you could spend some time on creature, tabulate YOUR scoring to verify what I deem as improper scoring, thanks in advance. when I get a day free i'm going to play creature again and be even more accurate in my score keeping

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