Big Shot Screenshot


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Looks like the tables are getting darker and darker! We need that light slider quick. Really looking forward to the table though.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Looks great! Simple clean layout, easy to understand rules, and tougher than it looks gameplay. That is what I dig about a well done EM. This will be one of my most played tables. Scared Stiff is great, but I'm going to play this pin first.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Looks great! Simple clean layout, easy to understand rules, and tougher than it looks gameplay. That is what I dig about a well done EM. This will be one of my most played tables. Scared Stiff is great, but I'm going to play this pin first.

I'm right there with you.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Bollocks my dude, its all about the game

It may not be based on an at least 20 year old dmd, and it is a remake but ill be a be first timer and i like my droptargets, its not AAA but im looking forward to it more than scared stiff atm and i love elvira with on,y a gingers passion


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Finally an EM table. It's gorgeous. You would put a naked girl on RBION and it still would not be as beautiful as this. I'm looking forward to this one as much as scared stiff.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
I am definitely playing this one before scared stiff. Plus I can't wait to see how they get 5 Standard Goals and 5 Wizard Goals out of this


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Their first EM is beautiful, can't wait to remaster this one :)

EDIT: By any chance, are you guys going to add new screens and videos to the Steam Greenlight page you have? Would help attract more people.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
To be honest: I'm not impressed, but that's because it's an EM table.
For once, I'm in agreement with Rudy's head. Having suffered through Jet Spin for the third time in league play last night (I did manage to win that game, though I don't think skill had much to do with it), I'm really not interested in EMs. Everyone else, please enjoy; I'll be playing Scared Stiff.


New member
May 15, 2012
I certainly hope this is a very early build of the table as there are a lot of inaccuracies. For example, the flippers are far too pointy on top and tip for Gottlieb flippers of that era. Also, the balls in the middle do not fully light up as shown here. In addition, I think the the dark lighting looks really strange around areas like the slingshots with no shadows being cast by the posts. I also find it odd that they are going with Big Shot which is a 2-player table when there is a 4-player version of it called Hot Shot. This table certainly will be really fun to play, but I really hope that it gets a clean release without being filled with bugs.


New member
May 10, 2012
Looks really fantastic if you ask me. Can't wait for this one. I never got to play HOF Gottlieb so this will be brand spanking new to me. Now if only I can keep the ball going more than 10 seconds(ref: Jive Time) I believe this is going to be a fun ride and when it comes to playfield art nothing can beat a nice looking EM


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I look forward to the table on the PS3, but I still feel these more basic looking tables would really benefit from table glass reflections.
Without it they end up looking a bit flat.

Tables like this, Taxi, Black Knight, etc have more depth in PHOF.


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