Black Hole (TPA) rules


New member
May 4, 2012
I copied the rules so I could look at them while I was playing, and print them out and make notes/corrections, and for other reasons. I'm posting them in case someone else finds them of use. Any corrections are very welcome.

(Curious: Is there a reason why we don't have a pause-menu option to view the rules while playing?)


Get ready to discover the magnetic attraction of Black Hole!
This table features high speed action, a unique Lower Level surface
and an excellent theme. It was the first table to be accepted
at 50 cent play. These instructions will explain why.
There is not a specific goal to accomplish other than getting
a top score.


The most important feature for getting a great score on Black
Hole is to increase the Lower Level Bonus. The current amount of
the Bonus is shown here and can go up to 999,990 points.
It's the only Bonus for this table and is awarded at the end
of each ball. The Bonus can only be increased from the Lower Level.
Shoot the ball through the Gravity Tunnel to reach the Lower Level.
On the Lower Level, every point scored adds to the Bonus instead
of the overall score. To increase the Lower Level Bonus scoring
even more, advance the Bonus Multiplier and light the G Force
Accelerators. Refer to those chapters for more details.


The Lower Level Bonus can be increased more rapidly by lighting
the G Force Accelerators. To light a G Force Accelerator,
complete the bank of B-L-A-C-K or H-O-L-E Drop Target sequences
in order. The flashing arrows indicate which target in the sequence
you need to hit next. Lit Drop Targets score 5,000 points. Unlit
Drop Targets score 500 points. Lighting one of the G Force
Accelerators doubles the amount of points each target on the Lower
Level adds to the Bonus. Completing the second drop target
sequence in order lights the second G Force Accelerator. This
triples the amount of points each target on the Lower Level adds
to the Bonus. If you completed either the B-L-A-C-K or H-O-L-E
Drop Targets, to light one of the G Force Accelerators, it will be
remembered from ball to ball. If both G Force Accelerators are lit
when the ball is lost then they will turn off and have to be relit.


Another way to increase the Lower Level Bonus is to advance the
Bonus Multiplier. It can be advanced up to 5X by completing the
Top Rollovers. These score 3,000 points when lit and 500 points
when unlit. The Bonus Multiplier can also be advanced by completing
the Rollunder on the Lower Level [far right]. The Bonus
Multiplier resets to 1X once the ball is drained.


One important feature about the Lower Level is that once the ball
drains it will return to the Upper Level through the Re-Entry Tube.
If the Gate is closed on Re-Entry, the ball will go to the Outlane
where you'll lose the ball. If the Gate is open on Re-Entry the
ball will return to the Inlane where you can continue play. The
Gate is opened by completing the bank of Drop Targets here or here
on the Lower Level. The Gate can also be opened by completing
the Inlane Rollover when the green arrow is flashing. Complete
this bank of Spot Targets to light the green arrow at the Inlane
Rollover. Except during Multi-Ball, the Gate will close with any
hit on the Pop Bumpers on the Lower Level or Upper Level. The
Gate will also close with any hit on the 10 Point Switches. The
10 Point Switches are located behind the H-O-L-E Drop Targets,
behind the B-L-A-C-K Drop Targets, here [left slingshot] and here
[somewhere near the vertical "spring" on lower level].


Multi-Ball is a crucial element to scoring lots of points on this
table. There are two Captive Holes on the table where you must
lock balls. The first one is on the Lower Level and is always lit.
Shoot the ball through the Gravity Tunnel here to reach the Lower
Level. Then shoot the ball from this flipper into the Captive
Hole to lock it. The second Captive Hole is on the Upper Level
and always scores 5,000 points. It must be lit before it will capture
a ball, by completing this bank of Spot Targets. These score
3,000 points when lit and 500 points when unlit. Shoot the lit
Captive Hole to lock the ball. Once two balls are locked in the
Captive Holes, shoot the ball through the Gravity Tunnel again to
reach the Lower Level and start two ball Multi-Ball.

Remember to complete the bank of Drop Targets here [lower level left]
or here [lower level right] to open the Gate. During Multi-Ball
the Gate will stay open. When it's open, balls drained from the
Lower Level will return to the Inlane instead of the Outlane.
Once both balls drain from the Lower Level, the third ball from the
Upper Level Captive Hole is released for three ball Multi-Ball.


There are several ways to earn Extra Balls and Specials on this
table. Specials also award an Extra Ball. You can only accumulate
two Extra Balls per ball in play. Completing this bank of Spot
Targets will light this
bank of Drop Targets on the Lower
Level. These score 3,000 points when lit and 300 points when
unlit. Complete this bank of Drop Targets to light Extra Ball
at the Captive Hole on the Upper Level. Shoot the ball into the
Captive Hole to collect the Extra Ball.

The Rollunder here [top] scores 5,000 points when unlit. Each time
you complete this
bank of Drop Targets on the Lower Level
it will advance the value of the Rollunder. The values are 10,000
points, Extra Ball and Special. Shoot the Rollunder when Extra
Ball or Special is lit to collect them.

Completing both the B-L-A-C-K and H-O-L-E Drop Target sequences
in order will light a Special at these
Drop Targets on the
Lower Level. Complete the bank of Drop Targets to collect the


The Inlane Rollover here scores 500 points when unlit. Completing
this bank of Spot Targets will light the Inlane Rollover for 5,000
points. Completing the lit Rollover will also open the Gate, if
it is closed.

The Spinner scores 100 points per spin when unlit. It can be lit
for 1,000 points per spin by completing the B-L-A-C-K Drop Target
sequence in order.

This [upper right] Rollover scores 500 points when unlit. It can
be lit for 10,000 points by completing the H-O-L-E Drop Target
sequence in order.​

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