Black Knight bugs


New member
May 26, 2012
1. Ball gets stuck at top entrance to ball lock and must be nudged back out sometimes. Doesn't appear to be possible to nudge it into the lock. This may be only happening when trying to lock ball 3, so maybe something to do with the other two locked balls preventing it from entering cleanly.

2. Display is sometimes stuck showing "2" animation at the end of multiball. I also found it wouldn't let me lock the remaining ball in play when like this, or at least not until that ball had drained.

Both found while playing on iPad 1.

Alexandre Vraux

New member
Mar 5, 2012
Same bug here for me !!!! I was playing my best score when the " 2" screen bug appears !!!! ****kkk........... It happened 3 or 4 times on 10 party played

I'm on Iphone 4 IOS 5.01


May 19, 2012
I haven't seen that particular bug yet, but I had a ball go down the middle and keep going right through the table and off the screen. Also, the sound for the bonus scoring plays as if the multiplier is activated even if there are only two or three bonus lights lit.
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New member
May 26, 2012
Also, the sound for the bonus scoring plays as if the multiplier is activated even if there are only two or three bonus lights lit.
I think that is because the sound used is a single sample rather than being built up for each bonus light, as it was in Gorgar.


New member
May 26, 2012
Okay, another one...

Locking the first ball lights Lock 2 and locking the second ball lights Lock 1. I think the lights are simply reversed as the running lights (lock 3-2-1) seems to be out of sync too.

Also the top upper-left drop target arrow lights white rather than blue.


New member
May 26, 2012

Is the Shoot Again insert (at the base of the bonus sword) ever lit? I've definitely had extra balls awarded by the table but not seen any indication.

Still enjoying the table despite all the bugs and differences to the original. Hope the emulation isn't too far away.

Revised Update: Definitely not getting the Shoot Again lamp lit for the first extra ball, but I think it comes on (and bizarrely stays on) for the second extra ball. It should be being lit when you collect an extra ball on either playfield and going out when you start playing that extra ball (so long as there are no more extra balls stacked).

The lamp animation on lighting the first extra ball at the top-left rollover is wrong and I think it is leaving arrow lamps in a funny state. If you light the first extra ball by completing the drop target banks on the upper playfield 3 times, it should cycle the orange and blue drop target arrow lamps on the upper playfield. Similarly if you complete the banks on the lower playfield first it should cycle those. At present it is cycling then clearing the blue drop target bank arrows on both playfields if you complete the sets on the lower playfield and cycling then clearing the orange arrows if you complete the upper playfield. This is clearing down the wrong arrows!

What should happen is that all the drop target arrow lamps are unlit on the playfield that earned you the extra ball. Basically, completing both sets of drop target banks on a playfield 3 times triggers the arrow lamp cycling animation, lights the first extra ball and clears the lights from those drop target banks. Ths means that you have to light them 3 times again (as well as completing the ones on the other playfield) to light the second extra ball at the multiplier turnaround. Phew. :)
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New member
May 26, 2012
Variation on the display getting stuck on "2" or "3" multiball numbers...

I had it stuck on "3" despite being down to a single ball. When that ball drained the game got stuck looping the bonus countdown sound. Had to quit table to reset it.
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New member
May 26, 2012
The first extra ball actually awards you two extra balls.

Or rather, it makes the next ball in play = current ball - 1. For example if you get the extra ball on ball 2 then the next ball is ball 1 and the one after that is 2. If you get the extra ball on ball 1 then the next ball is *blank* and the one after that is 1!

I kind of expect bugs on specific complex rules but this is basic arithmetic... :rolleyes:


New member
Jul 29, 2012
I wonder if this table was coded by some new blood. It feels significantly less polished. Oh well. CFTBL is great, at least.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
1. Ball gets stuck at top entrance to ball lock and must be nudged back out sometimes. Doesn't appear to be possible to nudge it into the lock. This may be only happening when trying to lock ball 3, so maybe something to do with the other two locked balls preventing it from entering cleanly.

2. Display is sometimes stuck showing "2" animation at the end of multiball. I also found it wouldn't let me lock the remaining ball in play when like this, or at least not until that ball had drained.

Both found while playing on iPad 1.

Came here to report the "2" animation on my Android TF300T. The "2" animation continues to happen after the game has completed as well. The display resets when you start a new game.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
If no one else has reported it (iOS), has anyone else had their high scores/goals disappear? I'm not sure if it's related to the fact that I was playing during lunch at the office (where there's no cell signal) and had been playing as a Guest since I couldn't connect, but playing at home after logging in, and all goals are gone (back to no standard goals after having unlocked the Wizard goals), and the high scores are now all back to the default scores. Disappointing, to say the least.

After having seen the preview videos for the console version of BK, it seems that the Multi ball running number is supposed to appear on the player 2 scoreboard. I guess since the mobile version only displays one scoreboard at a time, they share the display, and hence the bug.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
I just played this on the PS3. Two bugs I found were that once the ball did not catch in the multiball deposit area in the upper level but went through the whole thing.
Another bug is I noticed the music just stopped at some point after some targets were hit. I'm not sure if the following is a bug or not, but in a multiball where a ball was ejected from the lower level multiball holding place, a ball was released on the upper playing field at the same time as the ball on the lower level. I thought these were supposed to be released one at a time with thunder sounds, which, now that I think of it, I didn't hear.

Fredrik Lundholm

New member
Oct 4, 2014
OK, on PC version I found a new bug, I managed to get the ball disappear in the lower locking area. No matter how I tilted I could not get it out. Calling attendant did not work because TPA decided ball was not stuck..?? Had toll kill the session.

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