BlahCade Podcast #17 - Big Nuts


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
New BlahCade is up and it is quite the show! It's called Big Nuts for reasons purely pinball related, we swear.

This time around there is a dramatic recreation of the interview Jared did with Zsolt of A.S.K. Homework featuring Bonzo as the voice of Zsolt. Ton of questions answered, not to be missed. There is also a LitZ despite Sean not being in this session, but that didn't stop SYT! Full results and discussion of March TotM, with shoutouts for those that like hearing their names. And of course more.

You can find the download for the podcast here.

If you would like the RSS feed, find it here.

Lastly, for all the Apple junkies, the iTunes version can be found here.

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New member
May 10, 2012
I hope I will not be banned or that I am making enemies here because I have a huge respect for all those making the podcast. I have enjoyed the podcast very much so far.

Part of this eps was also great. Shutyertrap's take on EM's was a laugh and Bonzo doing ASK was also a treat. Funny stuff.

The Farsight banter just went too far this time. This was not my cup of tea at all, sorry. You just went too far and went on for too long on this eps and it came off much more like bullying regarding Farsight instead of criticism.

Maybe it is just me, I certainly hope so.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Dangit, no ZAD planned? ;) I could've really gone for some topless Star Pheonix. But yeah, through the Zsolt interview, I was hoping for Jared to throw Bonzo a curveball. But that would've been just cruel.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
Playfield editor?!?!?!?!?!

that sounds amazing. hopefully there's a way to share our creations with other members ala little big planet. i love that ASK has plans to continue to improve the Zacc collection even after it's complete. i think the more compelling the Zacc product is, the easier it will be for them to get other licenses if that's their wish. the idea of an editor and cabinet mode is sorta mind blowing and definetly gives you more bang for your buck than just having the tables. i wonder if it would be possible to team up with color monkey, or TPA and have one unified machine. also great to know they've been invested in pinball as long as they have.

thanks for doing the interview and thanks for asking my questions. glad to hear the red and blue flippers are going to be the cherry on top of the completed collection. also like hearing that they're open to doing the Zaccaria arcade games.

you guys have a good banter. my one bit of constructive criticism from the section i listened to would be to watch out for background noise.

keep up the good work!


New member
Jul 12, 2014
Playfield editor?!?!?!?!?!

that sounds amazing. hopefully there's a way to share our creations with other members ala little big planet. i love that ASK has plans to continue to improve the Zacc collection even after it's complete. i think the more compelling the Zacc product is, the easier it will be for them to get other licenses if that's their wish. the idea of an editor and cabinet mode is sorta mind blowing and definetly gives you more bang for your buck than just having the tables. i wonder if it would be possible to team up with Zen, color monkey, or TPA and have one unified machine. also great to know they've been invested in pinball as long as they have.

thanks for doing the interview and thanks for asking my questions. glad to hear the red and blue flippers are going to be the cherry on top of the completed collection. also like hearing that they're open to doing the Zaccaria arcade games.

you guys have a good banter. my one bit of constructive criticism from the section i listened to would be to watch out for background noise.

keep up the good work!


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I hope I will not be banned or that I am making enemies here because I have a huge respect for all those making the podcast.

It's not like you're trolling us! We welcome all input, and obviously not everything we say is gonna sit right with everyone.

I personally don't think this was anywhere near the worst we've given FarSight, but perhaps the Zsolt interview just magnified things.

And hey, next time we're bound go talk about DX11 and that will be all peaches and sunshine I'm sure! If all balances in the end.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I hope I will not be banned or that I am making enemies here because I have a huge respect for all those making the podcast. I have enjoyed the podcast very much so far.

Part of this eps was also great. Shutyertrap's take on EM's was a laugh and Bonzo doing ASK was also a treat. Funny stuff.

The Farsight banter just went too far this time. This was not my cup of tea at all, sorry. You just went too far and went on for too long on this eps and it came off much more like bullying regarding Farsight instead of criticism.

Maybe it is just me, I certainly hope so.

Don't worry about getting banned. In fact, since I wasn't on the cast this time, I can ban them for you if you want. :)


Jan 30, 2013
Well screw that. If you're not in this one, why should I bother listening?

Cause otherwise you'll miss out on a lot of interesting information and good laughs :)

I'm very excited about the answer my question got! Didn't expect that!

And by the way guys, yes you can say switch-three-flip, but actually you just say switch tre, and tre is pronounced like tray. So "switch tre" would be most correct :)


New member
May 10, 2012
It's not like you're trolling us! We welcome all input, and obviously not everything we say is gonna sit right with everyone.

I personally don't think this was anywhere near the worst we've given FarSight, but perhaps the Zsolt interview just magnified things.

And hey, next time we're bound go talk about DX11 and that will be all peaches and sunshine I'm sure! If all balances in the end.

You're probably right. I'm not even sure why I reacted. Gonna listen again tomorrow. Maybe I just had a bad day. (hungover at the dentist today might have had something to do about it :) ) As I said, the rest of the show was stellar

Anyhow, will be there front seat next time. I vote for more litz with shutyertrap :)


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Cause otherwise you'll miss out on a lot of interesting information and good laughs :)

I'm very excited about the answer my question got! Didn't expect that!

And by the way guys, yes you can say switch-three-flip, but actually you just say switch tre, and tre is pronounced like tray. So "switch tre" would be most correct :)
No problem switch-tre-flip (thanks for the knowledge).


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I hope I will not be banned or that I am making enemies here because I have a huge respect for all those making the podcast. I have enjoyed the podcast very much so far.

Part of this eps was also great. Shutyertrap's take on EM's was a laugh and Bonzo doing ASK was also a treat. Funny stuff.

The Farsight banter just went too far this time. This was not my cup of tea at all, sorry. You just went too far and went on for too long on this eps and it came off much more like bullying regarding Farsight instead of criticism.

Maybe it is just me, I certainly hope so.
Banning generally only happens when members aren't following the forum rules. Nothing you've written here contravenes those rule.

Thanks for the feedback. I've got a long queue of Pinball Podcasts to get through (damn you Nate Shivers) but I'll be interested to listen to this episode bearing listener comments in mind.


New member
May 10, 2012
Thanks, Jared.

I wasn't really serious regarding the banning/enemies stuff. But I see now that my wording in that post was not clear enough on that part and other parts as well. Note to self, use more smileys. ;)

Also "making fun of" would have been a better word than "bullying" but hey, done is done, even when done to quick :eek:

The rest of the show was great. I just felt that most of the complaints was the same old stuff. Except the Elvira tidbits, that is. That was new info to me and I agree 100% with your criticism there.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Listened in to get at the Zsolt question sesh.
Awesome news about the editor possibility, although I'm hoping this doesn't mean 'Sin' might be about to resurface. :)

Strange coincidence - but if I could own any two tables in real life which were for keeps (not to trade) it would be a Black Knight and a Twilight Zone.
Black Knight for me, with a few operator tweaks is my favourite precision shooter table. If you tighten the drop target reset time, and change the setting where the horseshoe has to be looped to activate ball lock, it's just awesome. I could play it endlessly. Keep badgering FS to fix the meshing problems and emulate it with an operator menu, but 2yrs plus after promising it, we still wait.

Thanks for doing the interview again!

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