Bring on White Water!


New member
Feb 21, 2012
+1 for WH2O (to give it it's proper acronym ;) )

And I guess most know that Bigfoot is modelled on the game's designer Dennis Nordman!

LOL - Andy

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Ha, his real beard is so well-groomed in that pic on the right that it almost looks fake :)


New member
May 18, 2012
One more vote for WW! I think the design and lay-out will work very well for the tablets, like FunHouse for example. Personally I don't think that Monster Bash works too well on a tablet. Too many small details with jaggies, hard to see what's going on.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
This guy has a lot of tables I'd like to see released on TPA

What a collection, though I think he was stupid to get rid of a STTNG, AFM, Star Wars Ep. I, Cirqus Voltaire, Cyclone, BK2K, and MB (unless they were in REALLY bad shape). He also has a Big Bang Bar reproduction, and gives a review of it. Amazing that someone so young could have such an impressive collection. Must be an internet millionaire. There are a few other guys with impressive collections on Youtube, particularly guys going by the names of tattyadams and pinballmike. Every time I look up a table I want to see, one of those two pops up as having it in their personal collection.


May 23, 2012
Before the first internet bubble of early 2000's when a lot of young people suddenly got lucky rich by being a codemonkey at the right place and time regular people could buy these games. Once foolish millionaires and Ebay met it was game over for the rest of us.

I turned down a good condition Addams Family in 1997 that was being taken off location by the route operator. He saw me playing it all the time and we talked as he was pulling it and he said he would shop it and take it to my house with a liftgate truck, for *$1900* Of course I didn't have it. Popped by his warehouse that was running out of room and could have taken my pick of almost any system 11 game for $750, think he wanted $1200 for Funhouse though.

All I ended up with was a pre-production Whirlwind diamond plate test game. I could kick myself for not grabbing a Cyclone, Earthshaker and Diner for $2000 at the same time.....$2000 for ALL 3.

Its possible these guys got their games when they were nearly new for a song. Well, sub $2k for most of the games just 3 or 4 years old.

If interested there are at least 3 Medieval Madness machines on Ebay right now, one as cheap as $16000 for an opening bid.
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Roy Wils

New member
Apr 17, 2012
i just want to add another pin video on whitewater..

this is me and myself playing this game @ papa 14 last year.. i managed to get 100$ by getting 1Billion with WhiteWater.. i love WhiteWater.. think about for instance about the Vacation Jackpot Madness (pin display goes dark and went crazyyyy,by flippin on itself and all that.. first machine who did that behaviour,. love it) truly an classic DMD pinball Game.. ive used to own this game 4 real.. regretted of selling it honestly.. i will buy it back later on my life.. but i totally love the game

so YES bring it onboard Farsight :) please.. anyway here is the vid



New member
May 26, 2012
Wow! Amazing play there Roy. Whitewater is one of the few games that I've never owned or had on loan. One day.... :)


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Thanks, I still can't see the original vid, I'm on my iPhone tho.

Just go to and click on videos. Scroll down the LONG list to Whitwater. They're three Whitewater videos. Roy's is the middle one. You can watch them on an iphone but they lower the resolution for some reason. The vids are clearer on a computer screen.

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