Well, with the Jubilee Celebrations going on I've had chance to hone my skills - still FAR behind everyone else, but slowly getting there!
Anyway, finally managed to 'Rescue the Princess' and saw the two of 'em fly off into the distance (plus a healthy score racking up...)
Then the game locked up - I tried heading out to 'Achievements', etc, and back again to see if that would jolt it back to life, but alas, the that was it.... so had to restart.
Did tick off the 'wizard goals' , but no hi-score.....
Pretty gutted to be honest, is this how the rest of the game is...?
I'm all for the new tables - but quality control needs to be addressed before more tables are added to the mix.
Not happy to be honest, ball 'goes through' flippers I'm sure at times, and the skill shot on launch does not always register... basic stuff at the front end that should be tested out...??????
Well, with the Jubilee Celebrations going on I've had chance to hone my skills - still FAR behind everyone else, but slowly getting there!
Anyway, finally managed to 'Rescue the Princess' and saw the two of 'em fly off into the distance (plus a healthy score racking up...)
Then the game locked up - I tried heading out to 'Achievements', etc, and back again to see if that would jolt it back to life, but alas, the that was it.... so had to restart.
Did tick off the 'wizard goals' , but no hi-score.....
Pretty gutted to be honest, is this how the rest of the game is...?
I'm all for the new tables - but quality control needs to be addressed before more tables are added to the mix.
Not happy to be honest, ball 'goes through' flippers I'm sure at times, and the skill shot on launch does not always register... basic stuff at the front end that should be tested out...??????