BUG: TPA 4.10 and Yosemite, Tables extremely slow.


Nov 9, 2012
I don't seem to have this option, even if I hold down option-command when launching the displays pane.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
I don't seem to have this option, even if I hold down option-command when launching the displays pane.
push ALT+COMMAND then clik on System Preferences then clik on monitor. You must see the menu to rotate the screen.


Feb 23, 2012
You have to be careful using this trick....for some reason my MacBook Pro (Mid 2014) 10.10.2....let me rotate the screen....then it shaded out the options to flip it back !.....I had to enter safe mode to fix the problem.

Working upside down isn't much fun....lol


New member
Aug 14, 2012
I've been using a workaround for a while now for this issue and it seems to fix it quite well. It does require installing any utility that will let you change resolutions and HiDPI options. For example, I use "Display Menu" from the App Store. The issue seems to be linked to the HiDPI mode that the Retina displays use. I find that if I switch to, say, 1440x900, low DPI mode, the problem disappears. I haven't tried higher resolutions (still at Low DPI mode), but I suspect that they would work as well. Hey Farsight - have you guys investigated this yet? Is TPA HiDPI aware? A lot of Mac apps are not and they all have some issue or another on Retina displays.


New member
Jan 31, 2014
After updating to Security Update 2015-006 yesterday
Pinball Arcade is now slowed down to an unplayable snails pace
Even the menu is very sluggish

the rotate solution did nothing

Anyone else encountering this?


New member
Apr 23, 2013
Mavericks seems to work fine here with it so far (I've had the Mac App Store version and just got the Steam version so I could get the Windows version as well). I do wish these two things would be addressed though:

1> Keyboard: The "space bar" seems to act as both the plunger/launcher and the fixed camera key (it's "V" on the Windows version for the lock camera key). "V" does nothing in the Mac version. It switches back and forth between the fixed and moving camera every time I launch the ball.

Also, I still don't think there are any keys for "start" or "credits" in the game. One could argue just use freeplay modes, but I'm paying for the Pro Menus and it'd be nice to have simulated credits as credits won are near meaningless in Free Play mode. It's more fun to pretend. The START button is ENTER I think on the Windows version. I have not found a key for it on the Mac version. It's needed on games like Attack From Mars in order to use the "Martian Bombs" you can collect. Perhaps there is a way, but I have not found it on the Mac version. The ENTER key does nothing as far as I can tell on the Mac version.

Overall, it would be cool if one could assign keys to what you want. Even ProPinball back in the late '90s let you use your own keys. I always found "F" and "J" work best for the home typing position and let you use "G" and "H" as nudge keys plus the space bar and T on Visual Pinball and then you can have Magnasave and such on "A" and ";" and never have to move your hands EVER. The Windows version has nudges on the W/A/D/X keys (like first person shooters and the standard hand typing position), but then you have to flip with your pinky fingers on the shift keys instead of using something like "F" and "J" which are right there in that same standard hand position

2> Years later (even before there was a Windows version), the Mac version still has what I call "day time lighting" on it. The tables more or less match the Windows (and PS and XBox) counterparts, but the ambient "lighting" looks like it's got bright overhead lights of some kind on and it's hard to see the tables' GI Lighting and other lights very well since they don't light up much brighter than the table around them. All the other versions (Windows included) have MUCH DARKER ambient lighting so you can actually see the GI Lighting and other effects much better. They are "medium dark" in DirectX9 (DirectX11 offers DARK modes with enhanced lighting effects). There's no reason the Mac versions (or the iOS ones for that matter) need to be that bright. I know this because if I adjust my monitor's GAMMA setting to force it darker, the tables look a LOT closer to the Windows versions (but look too dark with the desktop and the DMD effects are too dark then as well). This seems to be a simple case of adjusting the simulated environmental lighting. The only replies I've ever seen from people is that, "well it's the iOS version so you get almost no improvements" but iOS is no excuse! They don't need to be broad daylight on an iPad! iOS has had METAL API support for over a year now and Metal is the equivalent of DirectX12. Mac OS X is about to get Metal in September in the El Capitain release, so there's no reason that both the iOS and Mac versions couldn't have full DirectX11 style lighting in them as well. Then all the versions would more or less match. As it is, I don't like playing tables in "broad daylight" on the Mac version, but it's either that or have to set up Windows in Boot Camp, which I'm thinking of doing with Windows 10 once I get El Capitain (i.e. I don't use Yosemite since it's so ugly and only METAL is making me consider using El Capitain despite the flat 2D graphical GUI).

I already pre-bought Season 5 and have all 4 seasons on Steam and most of the tables on the App Store version as well. It's too bad we Mac users don't get even a tiny modicum of support (like the keyboard keys issue above). I've seen the slow-motion problem on the Windows version as well, but it seemed to be GPU POWER related (i.e. and older Windows machine with a 7900GT card would go into slow motion only on Junkyard when multi-ball started and then resume full speed when multi-ball ended). Running XP on VMWare Virtualized on my 2012 Mini would result in slower movement on ALL tables (not "that" slow, but not super fast/smooth). Running it on XP on my old 2008 Macbook Pro with an NVidia 8600M GT resulted in Boot Camp resulted in perfectly smooth DirectX 9 gameplay by comparison so the GPU does seem to matter (the CPU might as well; hard to tell which on an older computer). The slow-motion things on the Mac seem to be a glitch in OpenGL or something since they seem more random and often go away if you switch from full screen to window mode, for example, although lately I have not seen it go slow motion at all (but then I don't play the Mac version as much anymore since the lighting is so much better on the Windows version).

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