BUG with keyboard assignment controls Azerty keyboards

John Solitude

New member
Jul 26, 2013
Hello from Belgium,

Downloaded the demo with the intent of buying.

While testing I noticed that the most natural way to assign the controls of a keyboard might actually not be possible.

I'm using an azerty keyboard which is common in France, Belgium and some other countries.

The left flipper is by default assigned to the left shift key (okay, that's logical and works for me).

However, the most natural way on a keyboard to nudge left would be the key right next to the left shift key and on a azerty keyboard it's the key that has the following symbols on it " > < \"

But it's IMPOSSIBLE to assign this key for the nudge left command in the options control panel (although this key is not assigned to any other control yet).

Can this be fixed or do Azerty keyboard players have a solution for keyboard rearrangement that feels natural to play? (I mean only by using keys, not mouse as I'm mostly playing on a laptop and do not want to constantly take a mouse with me).




Oct 29, 2012

You can change key assignments using the menu system.
From the Table Menu choose "Help and Options"
From the "Help and options Menu" choose "Controls"
From The "Controls" Menu choose "Keyboard and Mouse"
Now scroll down to the nudge key assignments and choose each direction then press the key you want for each direction one at a time.
TPA uses key scan or ascii codes so it doesn't matter what they are labeled on your keyboard. Querty or Azerty doesn't matter. I even use a keyboard mapped arcade controller (HOTROD) this way without any problems.

Enjoy !

Timelord ...

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