Bug Bugs in Black Hole & Funhouse


New member
Mar 9, 2017
Man... Did I have a frustrating evening at Pinball yesterday.
I decided that I wanted to get all the Master Trophies yesterday and went for the ones on Black Hole & Funhouse. On Black Hole as usual I selected 4 players so I can play on for a long time. I was able to get the last 2 opjectives and was rewarded the trophy. In the meantime, player one & 2 had built op a high-score. I shot the ball onto the captive hole on the right and then the machine decided to not let go of this ball. Calling the attendend was useluss, as the program returned that the ball was not stuck and cancelled the request. Nudging the machine also didn't help. Tilting neither. So I could only exit the game. Bye Bye high-scores :'(
Good thing: The trophy was still there....

So I dediced to go to Funhouse. The last thing I need to do to get the trophy is activate the Funhouse Frenzy. Yesterday evening I activated it about 5 times, but it never says "Goal reached". Any idea what I am doing wrong? I put the ball in the man-hole, shoot the crazy steps, shoot the first step -> Funhouse frenzy gets lighted and then I hit the target to activate it. I get a 20 sec Frenzy and that's it.
Could it be that it won't work since I am using a custom ball? I couldn't find a way to return to my normal ball though. Anyone any idea?


New member
Apr 25, 2017
I offer no help but I've noticed that if you go deep in the menu's like the Pro menu that goals sometimes don't work. So If I view all the Pro stuff I always exit the table and restart it and it then works. I don't like Black Hole on PS4 but it's not too bad on PC. The lower playfield mixes into the main table with my eyes on the PS4 but not with the PC version.


New member
Mar 9, 2017
I offer no help but I've noticed that if you go deep in the menu's like the Pro menu that goals sometimes don't work. So If I view all the Pro stuff I always exit the table and restart it and it then works. I don't like Black Hole on PS4 but it's not too bad on PC. The lower playfield mixes into the main table with my eyes on the PS4 but not with the PC version.


Thanks for your reply. It won't help much though, as I don't have the Pro Versions on the PS4, so I can't go into that menu.
Indeed, I have noticed the difference in lighting on the PS4 compared to the PC version as well of the lower playfield. You wouldn 't expect that kind of differences.


New member
Oct 17, 2016
Some strange glitches can happen from time to time on all tables at random and there is nothing you can do when it happens, one of those things sadly... Best thing to do if it really is a bad one is exit the whole game and restart the app and you should be good.

One thing that might be worth adding, try not to use the RESTART option on any table as that dramatic cut-off in the game play to then start the table again can cause all sorts of odd glitches to show up in time.

If you lose a high score then think of this when it happens..., if you can remember what you got and if there are scores better than your current one on the online leader boards then your best can always be beaten. (wink)
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New member
Mar 9, 2017
Ah well, those things happen. it's just the amount of bugs I run into in TPA. A few days later I played the tables again and got my trophies. So I switched to another table to get all the goals: High Speed... Also ran into 2 bugs bugs. One time I didn't get an extra ball which I should have gotten. And the table went into video mode during a multi ball, draining those balls.

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