

New member
Oct 25, 2014
I notice that the 'What' ball still occasionally crashes the entire game. The Light ball doesn't seem to exist on mine unless I missed it. Were we supposed to get the ball pack for free? I did, if not. If so, cool, but the crashes shown on the official Farsight stream still exist with the 'What' ball on the selection screen.

After playing it, I flipped over to Starship Troopers and got some kind of weird blue screen from within the game itself (not my personal Windows machine.)

I could have sworn that on the real table that every drain would make the flippers react to the finger snap sound effect, and I've only seen it once here.
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Wylde One

New member
Jan 14, 2015
I had the camera stick on Thing after he put the ball back onto the table. Gomez had yelled "no,no,no" after Thing grabbed the ball, so he put it back on the table. The camera stayed focused on the top corner of the table and my blind flailing of the flippers only saved me for a few moments! Has anyone else had this happen? I am playing on an iPad air.


New member
Oct 25, 2014
On the Steam side, no. I've had Thing do that a number of times but never had the camera lock happen.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
When Thing grabs the ball there's still a ball reflection visible on the table even though the ball is fully inside the trap door.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
sometimes the. sound speeds up to insane levels on ios had it happen a few times but restarting the app fixes it


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
Thing flips for you at end of ball very rarely unless you are sucking. Try playing multiple games, and playing badly. he will flip for you.


May 19, 2012
I've notice (on the Mac version) that switching players causes the screen to flash static very quickly.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
I had two games crashing to "desktop" after scoring a GC score, both times the score stuck and was posted to the leaderboards, so no biggie but did have a little heart failure the first time because of it. It reminded me of the still broken POTO table which produces a much more severe crash, crippling remote saving and restoring.
And I swear that I saw a ghost ball shoot out of the swamp SDTM in single ball play while the "real" ball was somewhere else on the table. Didn't break the game and it reminded me of some tables that shoot a ball out of the table when the ball is in the plunger lane. Saw that on Flight 2000 and Black Hole a couple of times. This also doesn't break the game.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I've had a couple balls end up on the Bear ramp when shot in the Thing ramp. Happened on iPhone 5s and iPad 3, both running latest OS.
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New member
Mar 19, 2013
When the vault is closed, the posts on the left side of the bookcase don't seem to be there all the time. I've shot through them several times and locked a ball.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
BUG: Upper right flipper to bear kick ramp

I thinks it's just the weird physics of TPA, but I've played a lot of Addams Family on location, and I've never seen this shot even be remotely possible. In TPA I've already had it happen like 5 times in one day. The ball shoots from the top right flipper, and then somehow goes SCREAMING around the bear kick ramp at full speed.

The bear kick ramp is at like a 30 degree angle to the flipper, and it's quite steep. On a real table if you did this it would go like one inch up the ramp and come down, because it would rattle in the ramp and lose momentum because it was such an angled shot.

Basically the ramps in TPA seem to have magic physics to make them easier, where if the ball is going fast enough it will make it up the ramp no matter how crappy the angle is. Perhaps because there's no friction or spin physics to slow the ball down when you don't
land a straight shot.

EDIT: Also I've had a couple times where I shot the Thing ramp dead on, the ball goes up the ramp really fast, stops for no reason, and then shoots straight back down the ramp.
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New member
Oct 25, 2014
"Quick Multiball" quote sounds like it gets cut off.

Also, this has only happened once, on Steam, using the Fester ball, using the upper right flipper into the far left ramp, the ball flew out of the table on the left side and fell into the void outside of the cabinet.
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New member
Feb 2, 2013
No, the flipper snap is only occasionally

Is the knocker snap in here at all? I remember getting the Grand Champion score for 2 credits on a real table way back in the day; it ended the music with the replay knocker instead of flippers.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Yeah, I think I've seen it maybe twice. Once when I was actually hitting the flippers myself because the game wasn't doing it. Only reason I knew it was supposed to happen was because Gomez said "Why thank you Thing!"

It should happen more often. Like you said, I'd get it every few games back when I had access to the real thing.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
The bonus scoring display breaks apart pretty impressively in super long games. I't looks like a ROM bug instead of in the TPA software, so it might just be display glitching due to no one in the original coding team expecting people to go forever.

e: I think what happens it loses track of mansion rooms at some point, 255 is a good guess, although I didn't really pay attention to the count, and starts replacing it with some garbage data which shows much higher numbers than it should. The end of game data doesn't support what it says though so it's likely to be a display glitch only. Hard to tell.

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