Cannot install update - existing install of TPA won't open


New member
Dec 11, 2013
Have uninstalled app and removed SD card. I keep getting an error message saying that the game cannot be installed.
I really can't afford to go out and buy another tablet so soon after replacing the last one (TPA is all I use it for).
Hope this can be fixed.


New member
Dec 11, 2013
Finally managed to complete a fresh install, but all my HoF points and goals have been reset again.
I thought the integration with Google Play Games was supposed to save all your progress?
Oh well - it's a good thing I love playing this game so much...


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Finally managed to complete a fresh install, but all my HoF points and goals have been reset again.
I thought the integration with Google Play Games was supposed to save all your progress?
Oh well - it's a good thing I love playing this game so much...
You have to use the Saved Games feature. Before uninstalling. It's not nearly as intuitive as it should be. 😕


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Finally managed to complete a fresh install, but all my HoF points and goals have been reset again.
I thought the integration with Google Play Games was supposed to save all your progress?
Oh well - it's a good thing I love playing this game so much...
[MENTION=4573]Scumble373[/MENTION] another testimonial about how saved games in GPS is a false sense of goal security.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Did he create a save? If you save your game and load it you should have all your HOF points and goals.
No he didn't, because he didn't know he _had_ to for all his game settings to persist between re-installs. If users see GPS, they assume they need to do nothing to persist their data. TPA currently breaks this assumption with the Saved Games functionality.

Can you make the backups scheduled? Weekly?


FarSight Employee
Jul 1, 2014
No he didn't, because he didn't know he _had_ to for all his game settings to persist between re-installs. If users see GPS, they assume they need to do nothing to persist their data. TPA currently breaks this assumption with the Saved Games functionality.

Can you make the backups scheduled? Weekly?

Probably not. We want to give our users the option to save, load and manage their saved data. The last thing our support team wants is "I just uninstalled and reinstalled my game and it didn't save my most recent game!"

The beauty of the system is that you chose when to save, you chose when to load, and you get to see it happen. I put the google play button on the main screen for a reason, I hoped people would click it to see the functionality.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Probably not. We want to give our users the option to save, load and manage their saved data. The last thing our support team wants is "I just uninstalled and reinstalled my game and it didn't save my most recent game!"

This support scenario wouldn't happen if a backup was created as soon as a game with new achievements or high score was saved automatically after the game was finished. Or at another arbitrary time during the game. Or at the end when you exit out.

The beauty of the system is that you chose when to save, you chose when to load, and you get to see it happen. I put the google play button on the main screen for a reason, I hoped people would click it to see the functionality.

I get that you want to give users control. Invariably, users don't use the feature as you originally assumed they would.

I agree that the feedback a user gets when Saving/Loading is great. This is no good if you don't know as a user that you must Save/Load manually. This is likely the assumption for most users not involved in beta testing--where the feature was clearly explained--or reading this forum.

It's great to have that Google Play button front-and-center: that's definitely a good visual cue to the user.

If customers know about GPS, they will access the menu. But nowhere in that menu does it give the user a clue that GPS achievements are not restored at the device level, and that you need to create a Save Game manually to ensure your on-device progress/HOF/local scores are restored.

That is the point I'm trying to convey here. And one I've also conveyed in The Pinball Arcade Android Users Guide I'm working on in my GitHub. I tweeted the link.

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