Bug Challenges not continuing since last update

John R. Martin

New member
May 11, 2014
Since the most recent update, the challenges will not continue to the next table, or next round, regardless of the score obtained on the table. Once you complete the game, it just displays the game table, the score screen, and cycles through the high scores on the table, and the table graphics in the score screen.

This is true whether you start a new challenge or try to continue an existing challenge.

Here are my system specs and what version I am playing on:

OS: Windows 7 32-bit Ultimate Edition
CPU: AMD Phenom II X3 720 Processor 2.80 GHtz
Memory: 4.00 GB
Video Card: nVidia Geforce GT 430
Platform: Steam
Display: 1280x1024
PA Vers: 1.26.11


New member
Jun 9, 2013
i am having the same problem, after finishing 1 game in challenge mode, currently tales of ali baba, the game just sits there, cant start a new game of ali baba, only thing i can do is exit the challenge to the main screen. it just isnt allowing me to progress to the second table or if i fail , it wont allow me to restart ali baba even to retry. just hangs at th table and no buttons beside the menu button works


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Glad to see this was was mentioned. I'm on ios and the same thing happened. I just started to try these and got bugged first game.

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