Request Challenges

Larry Gleaner

New member
Jun 27, 2016
Am I the only one here who enjoys the Challenge mode? It's a shame though that all of the challenges only include season one tables. When will we see more challenges added that include later released tables?


Staff member
May 29, 2013
I haven't played challenges a lot, only in the beginning. I don't really know why. I think it's a bit of an abandoned feature. It should be quite easy to implement new challenges and even if it is not the most used feature, as long as there are some people having fun with it, it's sure worth adding some more.


FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
Am I the only one here who enjoys the Challenge mode? It's a shame though that all of the challenges only include season one tables. When will we see more challenges added that include later released tables?

We will be adding challenges for seasons 2,3,4 and 5 for all platforms. I don't have a date for the release but I know it's currently being worked on.


Staff member
May 29, 2013


New member
Sep 9, 2012
I don't mind that menu complaint myself. It is unchanged from the original challenge format from the old games.
The one complaint that I have is that the scores are separate from regular play (and don't get put on the leaderboard) and if you get a standard/wizard goal, it doesn't count when playing tables regularly. One example I can give is Bride of Pinbot, my high score in challenge mode is different than in regular mode, because I got the billion on the big wheel while in a challenge run.

Because challenges keep separate scoring/goal tracking is the reason I stopped playing them. Now I just use the random table option on the new UI.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
The one complaint that I have is that the scores are separate from regular play (and don't get put on the leaderboard) and if you get a standard/wizard goal, it doesn't count when playing tables regularly.

This is the cherry on top.

Larry Gleaner

New member
Jun 27, 2016
The lack of updates/fixes to the challenge mode over so long a period of time is just one more symptom of a bad UI.

It seems to me that the game suffers from a huge disconnect between the quality of the pinball tables / gameplay and the quality of the UI (I am including the challenge mode and options in the UI experience, as they are just another way to access the tables). The pinball tables and physics are pretty much top-notch, but the navigation and gameplay modes are really pretty sad. It seems like the developers don't play other video games, and see what the norm is, or perhaps they don't expect the consumers of Pinball Arcade to have exposure to other video games. Yes, it is a pinball simulation, but the delivery platforms are gaming devices. Many of us are avid gamers and play more than just TPA.

I'd recommend that the dev team take a long look at gameplay menus and modes in mainstream games (like Ubisoft or EA games, for example - look at sports games, driving games, and others that have multiple gameplay modes) and take some guidance from there. The TPA user experience in everything except the gameplay itself looks and feels like something out of a high school project - in the the 90's. If Farsight were my company, I would bring in some experts from the outside to completely revamp the entire user experience and make it into a more enjoyable and marketable package. I believe that this would not only enhance the experience for existing fans, but also reach out to a larger market.

Before anyone says "Wait! We just released a brand new UI!", my answer is "meh". The "new" UI was NOT a step in the right direction. It was more a sideways step into an equally bad direction. I've seen soda machines with a better interface.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I doubt updates to challenge mode has anything to do with the new UI. My guess is that challenge mode is not a high priority.


FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
I don't mind that menu complaint myself. It is unchanged from the original challenge format from the old games.
The one complaint that I have is that the scores are separate from regular play (and don't get put on the leaderboard) and if you get a standard/wizard goal, it doesn't count when playing tables regularly. One example I can give is Bride of Pinbot, my high score in challenge mode is different than in regular mode, because I got the billion on the big wheel while in a challenge run.

Because challenges keep separate scoring/goal tracking is the reason I stopped playing them. Now I just use the random table option on the new UI.

This is something I am pushing for and it's very likely to be added in a New UI Update.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
Oh, and while I was doing the Williams Challenge today: If FS isn't able to fix the bug on varoius tables, where a table doesn't launch when playing it for the second or third time in a row, it's a complete waste of time. Happened to me on 2 tables within the challenge: First on Fun House. Played the first game, didn't reach the necessary score, pressed continue for the second game and the table doesn't start, i.e. it stays in attract mode. The only way to get out of it: End the current game, which used up the second attempt. On the third attempt I reached the score to go to the next table, NGG. Here the smae issue happened on the third attempt, but leaving this game causes the challenge to end without acknowledging the already reached points, so not only I was losing 2 attempts, but I also lost all the progress in the challenge!

Thanks, this mode is dead for me now :(

Those kind of errors are to be expected in a beta version, but not in a finished product. Can't believe these errors with tables not starting are still here and probably will be forever.
Last edited:

Larry Gleaner

New member
Jun 27, 2016
Six months since this reply, and we still have no update on challenges, and a broken user interface. I won't be buying any more table packs until the issues are fixed.


New member
Sep 21, 2014
They have Stern Challenge on the other PA now, at least there's something to do now while you wait!

Larry Gleaner

New member
Jun 27, 2016
So I'd have to buy my tables all over again? Is the interface better in that one? I am unable to access my tables or the challenges using my XB360 controller.


New member
Sep 9, 2012
Well... IDK if it is supposed to be this way but all the tables I have owned in TPA are unlocked in SPA. I suspect this is a bug tho.

Actual experience varies, I personally cannot give SPA a good review at this time, but I won't give it a bad review either.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Well... IDK if it is supposed to be this way but all the tables I have owned in TPA are unlocked in SPA. I suspect this is a bug tho.

No, that's correct. Cross-buy is enabled between TPA and SPA (at least, if you purchase the table in TPA you automatically unlock it in SPA as well - no idea if it's true the other way round).

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