Has anyone sucessfully setup controllermate with pinball arcade? Thanks.
Version 1.0
created by user WhizKid33 (www.digitalpinballfans.com)
Feel free to use this ControllerMate .cmate file when using Pinball Arcade, or change what you need to based on your own screen display or usage/needs. If sharing the file other people than downloading directly from me, please include this .txt file and/or copy and paste it's contents where applicable. I spent a long time creating the file and necessary building block tree.
If using or even looking at this file to eventually use with Pinball Arcade, I strongly urge you to please email/ write an Apple review to TPA requesting proper controller support (as to make the game as fluid as it is on consoles)
support@pinballarcade.com or to facebook comment them your concerns.
Setup Notes
This original setup is with a PS2 controller with a USB adapter from Radio Shack.
The buttons including R3 and L3 are based off a 15" screen and a 1440 X 900 display.
To get Left Analog to be your mouse you need to set up a New Virtual Mouse, specifically with your controller/adapter.
The way I have the game set up is to be able to nudge while having a flipper engaged. The Pinball Arcade currently (and for the long foreseeable future) has a bug that will only allow one nudge in a direction using the arrow keys, and/or nudge numerous times with a clicked mouse drag (left/right only) with a flipper engaged.
That being said, move the analog left/right will also make constant mouse clicks, so I have designed button layouts and configurations to get through most menu options without having to use a mouse or trackpad.
*note* currently as well you still can't up nudge with a flipper engaged, so I created a work around where when I press up on the Left Analog, it will disengage any flippers pressed so it can nudge. This allows for proper nudging on the slings but creates a potential pitfall, if you have a ball cradled and you nudge, as the ball will then roll down the flipper and drain.
Controller Layout:
Circle: is Shift+Command+F - for getting into and out of full screen mode.
Triangle: is screen position click for changing the camera angle.
Square: is a mouse click - however as TPA has some support for PS3 controllers (it also seems to pause the game on my machine if pressed more than twice consecutively
Cross or X: is Screen Position Click (SPC) to resume game if paused, or to continue through menus (like high score)
Start: is SPC to pause the game
Select: is SPC to Either quit a game when paused or to press back in the paused menu screen
L1: is left flipper (keyboard left flipper)
R1: is right flipper (Keyboard right flipper)
L2: is Special option 2 (think BK table magna save left)
R2: is Special option 1 (think BK table magna save left, or HD table Electro pop-up)
L3 or Left Analog click: is a SPC to to return to title menu from "Table Select" menu.
R3 or Right Analog click is SPC to Start the game at the specific Table menu or to press any center "continue" or "back" buttons in the game menu.
Left Analog: as stated is control of the full mouse, however,
up/down is programmed to disengaged the flippers to allow nudging.
left/right is programmed to click while moving the mouse as to allow more than one nudge in the same direction while flippers are engaged.
Right Analog- has some SPC's as well as used as keyboard buttons.
Up- SPC to sleet game setup while in the specific table's start menu.
left: used to position mouse arrow near bottom of screen (used to reposition mouse to properly nudge (with nudging being used a with a mouse click, if the mouse is at the edge of the screen and your try to nudge in that direction the mouse movement won't nudge the table as the mouse could not move any more because it was at the edge of the screen.
Right: SPC near bottom of screen (same position of press left on right analog) but also based on some TPA support this is also controlled plunger control (meaning the movement specifically coincides with the movement of the plunger (both forward and back).
Down: (previously there was no controller support for PS3 controllers, (so down was programmed to be a equivalent to a pressing and holding the space bar for the plunger (once pulled down there is no slowing release the plunger)
D-pad or Hatswitch -
Up d-pad: is a SPC used to scroll up through the paused menu (probably not that needed (but also functions to now increase the number of players when game setup is selected because TPA changed the position of it to have room for number of balls on there EM games
Left d-pad - is a SPC used to either select game setup and specific table menu or to push left during the instructions menus.
Right d-pad: is a SPC to select Table menu in the specific table's top menu, and/or to navigate through the instructions menu, to to scroll through letters when entering high score in EM games.
Down d-pad: is used to scroll down through the Table menu options (not that useful because selection or entering the menu option that is highlighted still needs use of the mouse.
Most of what I have setup with the exception of a few things that tend to not be used/able to used properly has been set up, so when I have my computer hooked up by HDMI cable to my TV I can not worry about getting up and using the trackpad.
Using the Controller to navigate - without using a mouse or trackpad
At the Root menu
Select Tournament - D-pad Up
Select Leaderboard - D-pad Left
Select Options - D-Pad Right
Select My Tables - (left/right on Right analog stick to position cursor at the bottom/middle of screen and then use left analog to move mouse up and then press Square.
Table Select Screen -
To move through tables use the L1 and L2 (this is possible again because of crossover with PS3 controller) or if have to use D-pad left to go down one table at a time (no going up if the L1/L2 trick doesn't work)
View Goal List - Press D-pad Down
Go back to Root menu - L3 click
To Start game highlighted - use the left/right of right analog to position mouse in bottom/middle of screen and then use left analog to move mouse of the Start button (if have to press square)
Table Menu -
Start game - R3
Game Setup - Right Analog up/ D-pad Left ---> Increase #players with D-pad Up
Table Menu - D-pad Right ( R3 click to go back)
Exit Table - Select button
Leaderboards - X button
In Game -
Change Camera - Triangle
Pause - Start button
In pause --
Resume - Cross/X button
Quit - Select Button (confirm with Select, no with Cross)