Controls in "Video Mode" laggy?


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I saw some people posting about this in the Champion's Pub forum, but I've noticed it in all DMD tables so I thought I'd bring it up here.

Does everyone experience these slow/laggy controls when they reach the video modes in DMD pinball tables? I've seen it in ST:TNG, Champion's Pub (very noticeable here), and Medieval Madness. It's not game breaking since Video Mode is usually a minor part of the game, but it is quite aggravating. I find myself just trying to avoid Video Modes because they're more annoying than they're worth. Even ST:TNGs mode, which is normally quite simple, is made difficult by the lagged conntrols.

Has FarSight commented on this? I'm guessing since it's been around forever, it's not something that Farsight is going to fix anytime soon.

I'm playing on an IPad 4 with IOS 6.1.2, just for reference.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
the DMD animations for some reason have significant lag to them. a good way to verify this is to watch the Admiral's lips on STTNG when he tells the enterprise about the Borg ship. At the beginning of his little speech, his lips are in sync with the audio, but by the end, only ten seconds later, his lips are noticeably lagging behind the speech. this does NOT happen on a real STTNG.

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