Senior Pigeon
- May 31, 2012
- 8,102
- 2
If they are going to pull a rabbit out of their hat, I'd prefer Capcom's Kingpin over Pinball Circus. But any surprise of this scale would be very welcome.
Because who do you think is in control of the Williams license? That's why you care what Roger says. Even though he's wrong!
Also pictures could be used for a variety of things. Insurance, reference points for maintenance, publishing a book/web pics, etc. of course it could be farsight but no reason to jump to conclusions.
Also pictures could be used for a variety of things. Insurance, reference points for maintenance, publishing a book/web pics, etc. of course it could be farsight but no reason to jump to conclusions.
There is a new thread on pinside about Pinball Circus. Somebody was at the pinball museum in Las Vegas the other day and he observed someone who was taking lots of close-up pictures of it and documenting all the parts.
Anybody know if Farsight employees have been observed in the area? Would be nice! Would be fun to have it on TPA
Link: http://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/pinball-circuis-being-documented-at-phof#post-1674999
Any chance for "Pinball Circus"? There seems to be some speculation that you guys were possibly at the Pinball Museum in Las Vegas, taking pictures of the game.
We most certainly were not
It was only meant as fun speculation and to get some relief from the usual bicker in some of the other threads lately. I realize it is probably only a 10% chance at best it was Farsight on the spot taking pictures and video footage but why not dream a little.
I did not mean for anyone to get their hopes to high on the subject, so I am Sorry if that was the case
Not me! I would love for it to come out, personally and I do have high hopes it will one day be digitized. It is easy and incomplete but also a fun and unique playing experience. I'm glad dokkenrokken got a solid answer but it is fun to speculate anyway. I know that it's been a rumor of revisiting the concept for a while so maybe a company is looking to do something similar or even "complete" the pinball circus experience.
Thanks for ruining my thread, Dokken
Serious hat on: Appreciate the info digging
This is encouraging! From Bobby Kings interview today:
RETRO: Could you see something as complex as The Pinball Circus working in The Pinball Arcade some day?
BK: Absolutely! I’d be surprised if The Pinball Circus wasn’t a part of one of the next few seasons.
That would be pretty cool.
Again, I am hopeful that it will appear. It sounds like a very strong possibility now which it had been the rumor of being halted by the Sharpes due to being more of a prototype. I think a big question is if we will get the original version or if the (soon to be produced) new version will come out. It would be great to have the new version as it is supposed to have more features and rules that did not make it into the 2 games that did get produced. No word on what those are yet, though.
I know next to nothing about it, besides what I've seen picture wise. However, it's more rare than "Goin Nuts" if I'm not mistaken, so I'm down for it.
I know next to nothing about it, besides what I've seen picture wise. However, it's more rare than "Goin Nuts" if I'm not mistaken, so I'm down for it.
Yep! Only 2 in existence and the Las Vegas Pinball Hall of Fame has one of them.However, it's more rare than "Goin Nuts" if I'm not mistaken, so I'm down for it.