Probably so. But I need some serious practice. Finished a 20 min game on scared stiff and didn't even crack the too 100! Plus is it just me or is cactus canyon unusually hard? I can't get stampede, shootout or extra balls in the tournament yet it isn't much of a problem in non tourney mode. Polly's peril doesn't seem to register most of my ramp shots either.
Ok well that settles it then I no longer trust any of this guys scores. Lets see what they do about this one.
It would take you 65,090 seconds if you were making a Billionaire Club shot EVERY SECOND in order to get that score. There is only 1200 seconds in the tournament. I guess if you are going to put in a fake score, go big and get banned.
Speaking of the tournament, man I had rough go of it last night on Scared Stiff. Got to Scared Stiff mode twice and couldn't even get the Stiff o Meter up half way. Lots of innuendo in that I guess but needless to say that is not how I usually perform while playing Scared Stiff.