Did you guys grab all the PS1 games you wanted for VITA?


New member
Jun 8, 2012
For the past 2 days all of the PSP and PSOne games on PSN that normally aren't Vita compatible, were.
Games like Spyro 1-3, Crash 1-3, Crash Team Racing, Suikoden and a ton more.

Looks like it was a mistake though as Sony is removing them from the store and download lists as we speak.

Personally I picked up Pac-Man CE (which is awesome looking on the Vita), Suikoden and the Sega Genesis Collection (which has about 30 Genesis games on it).

Hopefully you guys had the chance to grab any games you wanted, but couldn't have before, and if you did what did you get?


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I did get Gex 3. The Genesis collection is pretty awesome! I'd love to have that on the Vita.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
It's funny to look back at how "amazing" we thought those games looked.

I would love it if they released a Sega CD collection.


New member
Jul 22, 2013
All I have is an emulator for the PS1 and I only have one game installed. The only Sony-related gaming console I used to own was a silver, slim PS2. Had that thing for over seven years and it's still running much to my surprise. Now my step-siblings have the PS2 because they play it more than I do; now they have a PS2, an Xbox, a Gamecube, and a X360. My brother has a PS3 of his own but its in his room (I really didn't care since all I needed was a PC).


New member
Feb 15, 2014
Downloads. I'm away from home, staying in Europe, haven't seen my PS3 in 9 months. I can't transfer them via PS3, and there's no other way to do it since there's no download option on the download list. I actually bought Sega and a few other compilations which I installed via transfer before I left since I knew I wouldn't have access to them otherwise.


New member
Jun 8, 2012
Downloads. I'm away from home, staying in Europe, haven't seen my PS3 in 9 months. I can't transfer them via PS3, and there's no other way to do it since there's no download option on the download list. I actually bought Sega and a few other compilations which I installed via transfer before I left since I knew I wouldn't have access to them otherwise.

Bummer. The ones that you can't transfer are all of the ones that were fully downloadable during that 2 day period.
I wish I would have mentioned it soonr for you guys.


New member
Jun 8, 2012
Yes, but I'm talking about all the games that you could download for that 2 day period that normally aren't playable on the Vita by any means.


New member
Feb 15, 2014
Apparently the issues are with security/hacking regarding the PSP emulation (which also includes PS1 emulation). I remember someone used Metal Gear Solid to hack, within days from PS1 debut on the Vita. MGS hasn't been on the store since. Anyway, it doesn't matter because it will be all about PSNow/Gaikai in the near future. I tried Gaikai before it was purchased by Sony and it was brilliant. That's the future right there.

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