Disabling Family Mode


New member
Apr 14, 2012
First, you'll need to purchase the new Pro Mode. Currently, this is a $3.99 in-app purchase.

  1. Select "Table Menu"
  2. Select "Pro Menu"
  3. Enable "Operator Mode"
  4. Select "Open Coin Door"
  5. Press "Enter" for test report
  6. From the main menu, use the red buttons to navigate to "A. Adjustments", then press "Enter"
  7. Select "A.2 Feature Adj" and press "Enter"
  8. Press the left red button three times to select "A.31 Family Mode", then press "Enter", then turn this setting to "Off"
  9. Enjoy the super-obscene totally-unsuitable-for-children's-ears uncensored voice samples


New member
Nov 13, 2012
Maybe I'm doing something wrong? The menu says family mode is off, but so far I haven't noticed any difference...


New member
Sep 2, 2012
After purchasing pro mode and deactivating family mode, the first two dead heads I got were shrunken and sleepy. So it seems to be working for me. I made sure to escape back to the test menu before closing the coin door. I am also on Android, Ice Cream Sandwich, Asus transformer 101. What's your platform?

the ajp

New member
Jun 17, 2012
works for me .. been through the whole list .. they are all there .. i-phone 5 ios6 ... much better to have it as intended .. just be careful you don't turn family mode back on by mistake :)


New member
Nov 13, 2012
Checked the adjustments again. Still says family mode is off. But still not any different. Proof that it's not working is that the dialogue triggered when starting Stiff in the Coffin multiball mode isn't changed. (She doesn't say "I'll get him up.")

I'm not sure I should have to do anything really. It looks like the factory default for the Pro table is family mode off.


Also didn't get the UI for entering a highscore after finishing the game--I was only able to change the letter. The center buttons with the enter button was missing.

I'm playing on an iPhone 4


New member
Feb 20, 2012
If you turn Family mode off does that stop you posting scores to the leaderboard? I know it makes no sense but there is a warning that making any changes disables leaderboards.


New member
Nov 13, 2012
If you turn Family mode off does that stop you posting scores to the leaderboard? I know it makes no sense but there is a warning that making any changes disables leaderboards.

Like I said, you shouldn't have to change anything on the Pro table since it appears Family Mode is off by default.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Anyone having issues with not being able to exit table after posting a Hi Sc?
I've had it freeze up so I had to totally reset my phone ! (iPhone 4 iOS 4.x).
At least it's working-Got Shrunken Head etc.

A point on Family Mode off being the Fac. Default.
Is this true of the Real Table too? I'm guessing it is.
Seems a real con we have to pay for Default settings.
And the whole E10 (or whatever) rating doesn't wash if a kid can by a Pro table, or upgrade to it...
RANT over ;)



New member
Jun 4, 2012
If you turn Family mode off does that stop you posting scores to the leaderboard? I know it makes no sense but there is a warning that making any changes disables leaderboards.

yes it will. I wish that was not the case for this, and hopefully FS will make an exception for this table, or have another leaderboard for non-family mode.


New member
Nov 13, 2012
Like you said... :/ ?

Just that I mentioned that above. No biggie.

I figured it out. Have to play with the Operator Mode On to make it work, but the Family Mode is off, so you don't actually have to turn it off, just play in Operator Mode. I guess I'm a bit dense :p

I agree you should be able to post to the leader board if the only thing you change is family mode.

The table also seems to hang up when playing in operator mode and you quit a game. I had to leave the table and reset it to get it to work again.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
well, i'm sure Farsight doesn't want to get into the business of delineating between which custom settings give a strategic advantage and which don't. makes sense to simply say only tables set to the default settings count on the leaderboard.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
It would be nice if Farsight could make an exception for Family Mode on this table at least as far as local high scores kept on the device go. I can understand keeping online leaderboards absolutely pure, but surely it wouldn't hurt to be able to save Family Mode Off scores on my iPad.

I was really excited to see them offering a Pro Mode to disable family mode, because as someone who used to play this table a ton in real life, it just isn't right that way. But without being able to save high scores and set Family Mode Off as the default, it's pretty much only a $4 demo. Disappointing.


New member
Oct 29, 2012
There is no more satisfying sound than Elvira moaning "multiple jackpot!" It may mean no leaderboards, and it may mean an additional $3.99, but even as someone who felt a little burned by the Kickstarter roll out I can express zero misgivings about using the first of my X-Mas credits to unlock the pro version of this table.

My first game unlocked yielded my highest score at the time: 21,000,000, quckly followed by a 26,000,000 score with Operator mode turned off to ensure it wasn't simply an aspect of disabling "family mode". No moaning; not as satisfying. Back to Family Mode "Off". As it should be and setting everything right in the world... the one I share with Elvira, anyway.

No problems, iPad 3, iOS 6.01, latest release (first with the refined menu format and ST:TNG).

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Thanks for this thread. Pro mode used to default to this, now it doesn't, so I'll be sure to turn it off now.

So, I thought I would mention this: Medieval Madness was already set to "Family Mode OFF" in the actual game. There are only two settings: family mode on or off. On nerfs the speech considerably. The sexy damsel doesn't say ANYTHING, instead you get a big "CENSORED" on the DMD!

In other words, the game was already uncensored, non family mode game since release.
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Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Of all the lines in the game, including "I'm having multiple Jackpots" and "I'll get him up" I find those to be a lot less suggestive than the Sexy damsel in MM "this dragon is big, but I bet you're bigger" "Not now I have a headache" and "I always knew my prince would 'come'", so I'm a little ticked we were charged extra for it.

Oh, and am I alone to think that "GOOD HEAD: OHH, my Favorite!" is actually THE most suggestive and raunchy thing she says in the entire game? And get this, that's a family mode ONLY quip! (perhaps a screw up back in 96 by Williams)
There's also the "This thing is huge! ...and ribbed!" line from looping the Bony Beast ramp multiple times. Not much left to the imagination there.

The Good Head line does occasionally get uttered in uncensored mode as well.

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