DLC Release Date


New member
Jun 1, 2012
Any news about DLC #3 coming back?

We have a couple announcements today.

We are happy to announce that Table Pack 3 (Monster Bash and 4 have been released for Mac! We hope that you guys enjoy these four great tables.

This morning, we heard from Microsoft that they mistakenly release the content before its official release date. We are now scheduled to be (re)released on August 28th.

We are going to need your help, Microsoft has told us that there are no promotions (store placement, etc) available to us regardless of when we released this content. If you like our game, please help us spread the word on XBLA and XBLA forums.

Oh, you already saw it.

Nik Barbour

"Always look on the bright side of life, de dum, de dum, de dum, de dum." (eric idle)
At the very least there is a firm date - and it is releasing. Couple of weeks ago, we were wondering if dlc would ever be out!
And going forwards... "Things - can only get better" (D:ream) God, I hated dance music!

Nik Barbour

Quite a performance at the closing ceremonies. :)

Yeah - it was awesome. I was up till 00:30 though, and work alarm goes off at 05:40 - not too sharp on Monday.
I was in better shape than George Michael though - what the hell was he on?


New member
Jun 20, 2012
Cant wait to see what reaction the FaceBook trolls are doing right now after this one . It all boils down to a lucky few 360- owners got a sneak peek at a flawed DLC pack 3 , and FarSight gets a 2 week headstart fixing a patch for Monster Bash , which means it will seem like a headstart . Sony owners will be waiting until September 4th , Im sorely tempted to buy Gottlieb Collection on PSN to hold me over .
Jul 18, 2012
I have been eagerly awaiting DLC pack #4 in mid September but I am happy to get the bad news that pack 4 and 5 will be submitted to MS soon... so I'm guessing we will have to wait until October 9th or October 16th.

At least I don't have my hopes up :eek:

Sure seems like it doesn't take MS more than a few days to check out a DLC submission; after getting pack 3 this week I feel more strongly than ever that they are just sitting on this stuff for no reason at all. I'm totally sure they are going to do a *lot* more testing on pack 3 over the next 2 weeks :rolleyes::rolleyes:

On that note, I think it's time for some Drac Attack and a little Mummy Mayhem :cool:


New member
Jul 31, 2012
Yeah, I kinda feel guilty now having it. I'm gonna be tired of these tables by the time anyone else gets to play them. :(

Too bad you can't sell your DLC to someone else via ebay. It would most likely demand a premium price due to its rarity. Kind of like the "Raspberry Pi" $35 mini computer. Speaking of which, I cant wait to see what pinball games get ported to it. Although, I expect the Pi's games to be more hobbyist quality. Anyway, that's for another thread.

Volitar Prime

New member
Jun 24, 2012
This kind of thing seems to happen much more often than you would think. It seems that at least once per month some arcade game or DLC gets accidently released ahead of schedule. A few people see it and buy it before it gets pulled. MS really needs to manage this better.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
I'm also glad i picked up the pack before it was pulled. Usually buying something the day it comes out bites you later but not in this case, I suppose.

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