DLC Release Date


New member
Jun 12, 2012
Microsoft expects developers to test and test and test and test and test and ensure that for the most part, the game doesn't have obvious showstoppers.

regarding the system stuff not the game stuff... m$ doesn't go and play games to see if the balls will get stuck in the plunger... they test the game to see if it complies with the rules they've set for the games interaction with the dashboard... does the game pause when you press the home button... does the game starts up wehn you have a guitar hero controller plugged in port 2... that kind of stuff


New member
Jul 7, 2012
DLC's #4, #5, and # 6 should be released at the same time, yes? I really can't see separate dates for each considering the endless waiting for new tables.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
DLC's #4, #5, and # 6 should be released at the same time, yes? I really can't see separate dates for each considering the endless waiting for new tables.
It's up to MS to determine that. I imagine FS won't submit the update until it includes TZ, which many think will be their next release. If that's so, # 7 should also be among the releases.


Banned for Multiple Accounts
Aug 29, 2012
Why have some here got it into their heads that there will be a multiple DLC release? Where's the source for that?


New member
Mar 17, 2012
I'm not aware of any plans to drop the Xbox 360. As soon as we have some actual news to report we will.

Not exactly a concert answer, notice the wording 'not aware', just because Mike isn't aware doesn't mean its not going to happen.....but i dont think FS are going to drop there lead platform now are they!.

As ive said all along they just need to make an announcement stating that from now on due to Microsoft's strict and expensive submission process they will not be releasing DLC table packs on a month basis but instead on a quarterly basis. I know its going to piss some owners off but least then they know not to expect table content every month!

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Why have some here got it into their heads that there will be a multiple DLC release? Where's the source for that?
New DLC releases require title updates so the game will recognize them and allow them to be selected from the menu. They also include assets unique to that table, such as the Bride's face in BOP, or the holographic creature in CFTBL. Since title updates are expensive, and they are limited as to how many you can do, it makes sense to hold out and include as many new DLC packs in the same update as possible. That's how they've been doing it so far (the first update included support for DLC 1-3), so it makes sense that is what they will do the next time.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Why are other companies not having the same issues. I see RockBand and Pinball FX2 constantly adding DLC in a timely manner.

Yes, once we have dates we'll report them.

I like that Mike and others from Farsight are nice enough to answer questions, and we do thank and appreciate you guys chiming in, but why not just, you know, lay it out for us. Give us a detailed answer, instead of the corporate "When it's ready to be announced it will be announced". Tell us what the issues are, tell us the Microsoft policy issues, I mean at least help us understand. I know that you need to ask your boss, who asked his boss, who asks his boss etc., for permission to say stuff...and it's not that simple... but more developers should just have transparency, IMO, with their fans here in the internet age.

Were not asking you to detail your future plans for tables, spoil surprise DLC announcments, or give out information that competing pinball game makers could steal... we're just asking for a simple explanation, and perhaps an estimated time frame on the DLC release date. Throw us a bone, if you will. Is it that big a deal to do so :?

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Why are other companies not having the same issues. I see RockBand and Pinball FX2 constantly adding DLC in a timely manner.
Rock Band's DLC is straight data, no code. Just audio and where to put the notes. Therefore no need for a title update or a lengthy submission process, because you're not really changing the game itself, you're just giving it new data to work with.

FarSight's DLC has a straight data component (textures, collision meshes, sounds, DMD animations, etc.) but it also has a code component that runs the nonstandard toys on each table, like Bride's rotating head and CV's Ringmaster. It is this code component that requires a title update and certification.

I do not own FX2, but I understand that they too had DLC woes and delayed releases when the game first came out.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Not sure why TPA didn't go the FX route with a free download, but to unlock tables you must purchase them. Seems updates are easier with that setup
Jul 18, 2012
According to the facebook page:

"Good news: Now that we have completely eradicated the Monster Bash scoring bug on ALL platforms, we have reset all leaderboards for that table!"

ALL platforms!! Perhaps this means DLC 4 5 and 6 will somehow be magically rushed through with this fix (I'm not holding my breath).

Volitar Prime

New member
Jun 24, 2012
At this point I can't help feeling abandoned. The mention of "all platforms" when they excluded us really drove the point home. I wish there was a way to get my money back.

Nik Barbour

At this point I can't help feeling abandoned. The mention of "all platforms" when they excluded us really drove the point home. I wish there was a way to get my money back.

We (xbox users) haven't been excluded. It's just we have no idea when we'll get it.
Farsight (Mike) stated he does not know of any plans to drop xbox.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Granted Farsight's PR and communication sucks................ but

I'd much rather wait for something decent than get a rushed set of tables full of yet more bugs. Rather than buy a new set of tables, spend your time mastering the tables currently available - there is always stuff to learn and room for improvement. I've only just got DLC 1 :D

bi.tching and whining isn't going to make the tables come any quicker given the DLC process on this platform.

Nik Barbour

Granted Farsight's PR and communication sucks................ but

I'd much rather wait for something decent than get a rushed set of tables full of yet more bugs. Rather than buy a new set of tables, spend your time mastering the tables currently available - there is always stuff to learn and room for improvement. I've only just got DLC 1 :D

bi.tching and whining isn't going to make the tables come any quicker given the DLC process on this platform.

Very true.
I've bought a few pinball fx2 tables whilst waiting for TPA dlc, and whilst a few tables are nice and entertaining to play (epic quest is pretty cool) and they make great family play, it's TPA I find myself wanting to play.
This is an amazing, and un-rivaled product, which although flawed sometimes, gives me affordable access to tables, which I would have to pay many thousands of pounds for, to own the real thing.
Well worth waiting for!


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Granted Farsight's PR and communication sucks................ but

I'd much rather wait for something decent than get a rushed set of tables full of yet more bugs.
I agree. I tried the PS3 version as I was getting impatient for DLC pack 4 and some of the 360 bugs are fixed in that version, but it also has its own slew of problems like flipper lag and new bugs I haven't experienced on 360. I love PA and want to support it. I've bought PA on 3 platforms and supported both Kickstarters, but this lack of any quality control on both major consoles is driving me crazy.

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