do 'challenges' tokens refresh?? :0


New member
Apr 15, 2014
hey here's something i haven't been able to find easily around (googling in general for 'tpa challenges etc' just finds too many non-relenvant threads)... when playing "challenges," there's the three tokens off the bat to start with; not making the table's challenge goal then costs one token... making the goal, of course, moves on to the next table with however many remaining tokens intact.

however, what i can't seem to find an easy answer for... do tokens refresh daily?? or after however many days? it -seems- to me that they do, so if i flub up two rounds on a table, then exit leaving one remaining token, if i wait long enough, the tokens refresh - or so it seems! (using up all the available tokens, of course, resets the entire challenge to the first table)

sometimes though i've gone long enough between trying out the challenges that i can't remember where i last left off, so haven't kept track of remaining tokens, last table played... but last time i did a few weeks back, i burned thru all my tokens and blasted all my challenges at the time back to the start! ;0 would be nice to know how much time to give them between rounds; give the tables a couple tries then, if i'm back down to one token, wait however long to try again.

whatcha know about the 'challenges' rules?? lemme know!! :) thanks!...

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