Do not update ps3 firmware!


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Unfortunately I updated mine a little before the reports started to surface and it bricked mine. I'm a little PO'd!


New member
Sep 8, 2012
Ah crap, I updated both of mine..

Edit: Well I don't want to jinx myself but my second system seems to be ok. It was off, turned it on, logged in, turned it off again, back on, logged back in - no issues.

My main system has been on the whole time so it seems ok. Both of mine have original hard drives, one is an 80 GB fatty and one is a 120 GB slim FWIW.
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New member
Oct 5, 2012
I was just about to install this update but thought I'd check out the changelog...I Googled "PS3 4.45" to try to get some info on the changelog and stumbled across the Engadget article about the 4.45 bricking. Looks like I dodged whatever bullet was being aimed at me. I'm not updating until I see that it's safe to do so...even though I have smallish HDD in both my original 60GB and slim 120GB (the bricking is apparently happening to systems with large 1TB HDDs). I really feel for those that now have bricked systems because of this. This silliness with having users having to update to the most recent firmware to access anything PSN related is really bothersome.

Looks like smaller HDDs systems (~500GB) are being affected as well.
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Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Ooo, glad I saw the warning here. Hm fortunately Netflix still runs without requiring a firmware update, whew.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Ack! I just updated a half hour ago. Still works so far. It's one of the ones that's backwards compatible. First gen?


New member
Oct 5, 2012
It's one of the ones that's backwards compatible. First gen?
If it's full backwards compatible with PS1 *&* PS2 games, then it's an original "fat" model. I have a 60GB fat and I tear it apart on a yearly basis to redo the thermal paste on the CPU/heatsink and clean out the dust bunnies. It's still going strong but that fan is louder than hell. I also have a 160GB slim and it's sooo much quieter (I can barely hear it).


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
If it's full backwards compatible with PS1 *&* PS2 games, then it's an original "fat" model. I have a 60GB fat and I tear it apart on a yearly basis to redo the thermal paste on the CPU/heatsink and clean out the dust bunnies. It's still going strong but that fan is louder than hell. I also have a 160GB slim and it's sooo much quieter (I can barely hear it).

Now that you mention it, yeah, it's louder than my 360.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Sony has now pulled the update. It seems to only have happened to PS3's with HDD over 500GB. Mine is a 1TB. I can still get to the recovery screen so if Sony can put out an update that I can save to USB stick then I should be able to recover. But if the update did something irreversible then I'll have to see what Sony is going to do to make good on this. Other people have factory reset and reformatted and nothing is working to get them going again. Its up to Sony. If someone sees Sony post a fix please post up here. Thanks!


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Sony has now pulled the update.
Yes, this is definitely a problem. It's not very often that Sony pulls an update, which is now gone from updating through the console. I wonder if they've also pulled the direct download (to PC) update file as well...


As of this moment, the direct download (to PC) files are still up so if you want to play Russian Roulette with your PS3 & firmware v4.45, you can find the files quite easily.
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Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
As a rule of thumb I never update the firmware on anything for at least week after its come out. Now I'm glad for that!


New member
Aug 12, 2012
As a rule of thumb I never update the firmware on anything for at least week after its come out. Now I'm glad for that!

True, but it doesn't work so well for consoles unless you don't play online or use online features. Sony and Microsoft demand that if you go online, you must have the latest firmware installed. Likewise if you don't install game patches, the online features are usually disabled.

About the only lifesaver here is if you only use TPA on your PS3, you're safe. But if you do online games, you're sorta hosed...


New member
Apr 27, 2012
OOPS 2 late :( mines still working now what? If your PS3 is bricked theres a PS4 coming out soon :p

Unless Sony has a fix before I get home from work, I'll have my daughter bring her PS3 downstairs and we'll use that. Hers is the second PS3 that my Plus account is activated on so we can pull down our game saves for the games we're actively playing. Then she can take the third PS3 (the super slim) up to her room if she wants to watch netflix. The 3D tv will have to sans-PS3 for the time being. 1st world problems! :D


Jul 11, 2012
doesn't PS+ update automatically? or is that just for games and dont you need latest firmware to access PS store?


New member
Jun 20, 2012
Preliminary posts indicate the update fails on most 3 rd party HDs from owners who swapped harddrives to upgrade . This does not mean it's a good idea to test fate for a minor firmware upgrade until Sony gives the all clear.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
doesn't PS+ update automatically? or is that just for games and dont you need latest firmware to access PS store?

It will if you have auto updates turned on. Depending on when people had their auto update scheduled for Sony may have already pulled the update by then.

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