Do not update ps3 firmware!


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Preliminary posts indicate the update fails on most 3 rd party HDs from owners who swapped harddrives to upgrade . This does not mean it's a good idea to test fate for a minor firmware upgrade until Sony gives the all clear.

The update has been pulled by Sony anyway so people can't update even if they wanted to risk it. Reading the playstation community forum there are a few posts of people that got their PS3 bricked who had OEM drives but the majority were people that had upgraded their HDD to 500GB or more.


New member
Dec 25, 2012
I can still get to the recovery screen so if Sony can put out an update that I can save to USB stick then I should be able to recover.
That's pretty much what Sony is going to do to fix the problem. This was one of the main reasons why they added Safe Mode to the system.

Most likely they will create firmware 4.46, that will be designed to fix the error in firmware 4.45.

doesn't PS+ update automatically? or is that just for games and dont you need latest firmware to access PS store?
It will download it if the Auto Updates feature is turned on. However, it won't install it. It needs your permission for that, so you should be able to cancel out of the install.
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New member
Oct 5, 2012
Going by the reports of others who have tried the drastic, last measure (re-format the HDD), it will NOT work and all you have saved on your PS3's HDD will be gone (game saves, downloaded content, etc). So if you have this issue after updating to 4.45, DO NOT re-format the HDD. Just wait it out and chances are good that you'll be able to re-flash an updated firmware by using Safe Mode on the PS3.


New member
Apr 13, 2013
We're in the middle of a move so I've not been using the PS3. Thankful I didn't get into this mess. Hopeful for those dealing with this problem that a resolution is quick to surface.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
doesn't PS+ update automatically? or is that just for games and dont you need latest firmware to access PS store?

PS+ will download the update automatically overnight but not install it until you give it the ok (if I remember correctly, its been a while since the last update). Usually the update gets released during the day though so if you get on every day you usually beat it to the punch.

I think you're correct on needing the current firmware to access the store also.

Edit: Ah, I should have kept reading, I see Shogun beat me to it.


New member
Mar 23, 2013
I updated my original 60GB fat/chrome model which has been going strong since day one...... and..................

It's still as strong as ever! :D

Really though SONY should be beyond all these dangerous console-bricking bugs by now, I mean come on, this is not amateur hour here is it?
There was a theory several years back with the infamous 2.41 update that SONY was bricking consoles on purpose to make money on the repair service. I dismissed it at the time as paranoia... however maybe now with the PS4 coming out, they are eliminating PS3's to "encourage" users to buy a PS4. Somehow it doesn't seem like such a crazy theory anymore.



New member
Apr 27, 2012
No Jim, that's still crazy. This incident will cost them a lot of money in support and they won't get away with charging to fix the consoles.

I understand that Sony needed to pull the update but it has left those of us with the botched update in a quandary. We could fix this by installing a new drive and updating the firmware via USB stick. However the firmware can not be downgraded. You can only install the same version or higher. 4.45 is not available so we are stuck. Not so bad for me as I have multiple consoles so I just switched consoles. But people with a single console could get back up and running with their OEM drive IF they could update the firmware. Some of the ps3 firmware is on the hardware and some on the HDD. They put in their old drive with firmware version that doesn't match and the ps3 will insist that the firmware be updated with 4.45 or higher. They really need to put out a 4.46 version available for pc download only that is the same as 4.41 so that people could at least use their ps3.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Latest from Sony...

Re: [System Software Update] PS3 v.4.45 - SCEA Update [ New ]
‎06-20-2013 05:04 PM

Hello all,

Wanted to follow up and let you know that we are still activaly examining the issue in which certain users experienced problems booting their PS3 after the firmware update.

Thank you for your patience, but I don't have any more news to share at this time. Please continue to watch this thread for updates, and subscribe to it to recieve emails for further updates.
- morgan haro / mochuuu, SCEA PSN Community Management Team, @morganharo


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I usually don't update FW until after reading comments, but I really wanted to download the patch for The last of Us so I could play it. It downloaded, installed, and rebooted without any issues. I have a 320GB stock PS3 slim.

Also, for the record, I have nothing, but great things to say about Sony. Back in 2010 my PS3 original (fat) system had died (YLOD). Even though it was 2 years out of warranty Sony agreed to send me a refurbished unit free of charge.

It may have helped when I told hem I had been buying PlayStation products since 1995 and owned several hundred games. :)

They even went a step further when I told them I read about how refurbed (reballed) system usually only last a year on average, they agreed to upgrade my order to a brand new 320GB slim model.

In comparison, when my Microsoft 360 system RROD'd they told me "sorry, you are out of the warranty period....go buy a new one and we will transfer your name over". Needless to say, I didn't buy another, and my 360 purchases came to a hault.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Yeah, years ago Sony replaced my PS2 way past its' warranty. It occured to me that to Sony, the cost of a console is miniscule compared to keeping me as a customer that continues to purchase software. Something of which would immediately stop.


New member
Mar 23, 2013
No Jim, that's still crazy. This incident will cost them a lot of money in support and they won't get away with charging to fix the consoles.

Actually, back when the 2.41 brickings occurred, Sony was charging $200+ for each repair, and a lot of people on the PSN forums were quite angry, but still were sending their consoles in for repairs just to get a working system again. So really I think that Sony did get away with it in the end.

That of course is assuming that the whole thing was a deliberate plan, which I am still not prepared to claim. I'm just playing a bit of devils advocate here.



New member
Aug 12, 2012
The only brickings Sony would fix for free are those incurred while in warranty. Out of warranty repairs has a repair schedule depending on which PS3 it is - anywhere from $150 to $250. At least though they include shipping. The prices have changed since the last time I've seen them though.

Canada repair costs (MTC) -

There used to be an online price list for US repairs, but I can't seem to find it.
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New member
Apr 27, 2012
The latest from Sony...

Re: [System Software Update] PS3 v.4.45 - SCEA Update
‎06-21-2013 08:02 AM

Hi all,

Here is the latest on this issue:

We have identified the issue related to the PlayStation 3 software update (version 4.45) that impacted a small number of PS3 systems earlier this week. A new PS3 system software update is planned to be released on June 27 that resolves the issue. Thank you for your patience and understanding and we apologize for the inconvenience.

If there is any further updates between now and 6/27, we will drop them here.

We will also update on 6/27 when it is available, and steps on how to implement the solution.

Thank you
- morgan haro / mochuuu, SCEA PSN Community Management Team, @morganharo


New member
Oct 5, 2012
And you'd better believe they're gonna test the hell out of the new update before releasing it. Something they probably didn't do with 4.45...either that or it was so obscure (not likely since so many were affected) that it got past them.

I wasn't affected by this as I saw the the PS3 forum posts just before I was about to update.

I really hope the update is released on the 27th...the children (off for vacation now) that are posting about this issue in the PS3 Forums could form a lynch mob and go visit someone at Sony. I for one would rather Sony take their time to get it right *and fully test it* rather than push out firmware with some other issues.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
I updated mine before I heard about this and fortunately I was fine (I have an early slim model)

It REALLY would have pissed me off because it would have interrupted me playing The Last of Us...

One thing I did notice though...after updating, the game decided it needed to perform its initial game data install all over again. It didn't ruin my save or anything though.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Here is an update from Sony.

It basically is an update that says there will be an update once they have something to update us on. But if you are one of the ones that got hosed by this update, you can subscribe to this post and you'll get an e-mail when they have an update.

The fix has gone live. Instructions and link to the update file are in the post quoted above. Sony is sending free shipping boxes to those that have systems that won't take the update for a free repair.

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