Do you get anything for completing goals ? [Normal and or Wizard]


New member
Apr 20, 2012
lol @ the notion that they should take a few months off from releasing tables.

You can't get more ignorant than that, or can you....
By all means, don't hold back. Say what on your mind even if it means calling others name.

By the way, I wasn't the first to suggest this.
It's been suggested many times in the past.

Like they say though: "opinions, as well as some gamers, are like @holes...."


New member
May 23, 2012
Fine, if you insist. It's late and I'm falling asleep so here's a short list as to why your comment is ignorant.

They need to keep releasing new tables to keep the $ coming in
Taking time off = no profits = less sales = death of TPA
People will throw the game on the virtual shelf due to lack of new content

Some of this might already be happening because it's pretty clear that no one gives a hoot about the PS4 version.

I'm done.


New member
Jul 17, 2012
I care about the PS4 version.

Just saying....

A fellow Clevelander! :D I was born and raised in Cleveland. I live in South Florida now.

Anyway, I care about the PS4 version as well. It's my primary TPA platform to play on. I can't double dip on the XBO version at the present time. I shouldn't have stopped on the IPad version.


Mar 21, 2014
Yep, born and raised in Cleveland myself. Even the doctor who attended my birth was named Dr. Cleveland. I think I'm stuck here for life.

I started with TPA on PS3, then I got a Vita for the TPA cross-buy. Seriously, the only reason I bought a Vita was for TPA and other cross-buy games. Then, I got a PS4. I still have all 3 systems, but I'm kinda wishing PS4 and Vita would be cross buy now, instead of PS3/Vita. If that was the case, I could save money by not continuing seasons on PS3 and just go PS4/Vita for the rest of TPA's life. I currently have ALL available tables for all 3 systems and I'm getting a little annoyed how long it's taking for them to release tables on them. It's making the decision to double dip very tough since I'm kinda done with PS3 as far as buying new stuff for it.....but I still want the tables for the Vita.

Sigh....first-world gamer problems.


New member
Jul 17, 2012
Hehehe Dr. Cleveland. How ironic. Yeah I left Cleveland in 2001 to go to the Air Force for 6 years. Haven't lived there since. Got tons of family there though.

Your situation sounds a lot like mines. I have every single table to released for PS4, PS3, and Vita. I bought the Vita for the same reason. Also, I said I was done playing tables on the PS3 as well and will focus on the PS4. At the same time, I still want to play the tables on the Vita. Our scenarios sounds scary similar. LOL So I will continue to buy for the PS3 so that I can get the Vita versions for free. Oh and I should have specified what platform was I referring to when I mentioned "double dipping". I was referring to the 360 version to the Xbox One. Before the 360 got the updated tables, I had every single table on that system. Then the Xbox One version dropped and I decided to not support the 360 version anymore. Eventually I'll have all of the tables on Xbox One. I just got to get the funds to do so.

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