Do you have a 'relaxation table'?


New member
Feb 5, 2014
I find myself playing tables mostly for the challenge.

But sometimes, at the end of a good session, or after having been beaten thoroughly into retreat, I feel like loading up a table that feels easy and relaxing - one that I don't take particularly seriously, where I can just nonchalantly bash balls around for a bit. Perhaps once I move onto trying to beat the goals on my relaxation table I'll start taking it more seriously, and have to find a new one...? :rolleyes:

At the moment it's Attack From Mars. Partly because no matter how many times I hear it, the dialogue makes me chuckle. And partly because I don't find it that drainy - particularly on the outlanes.

Do you have a 'relaxation table'?


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
As a matter of fact, AFM is mine. It's fun and pressure free. At the same time, if I really want to buckle down and play for score and RTU, challenging when I want it to be.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Big Shot, Ripley's, and Class of 1812 are my relax wasting time pins. Not sure why though. I like them but they aren't my favorites.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Class of 1812. As I said in the last podcast though, I don't know why...objectively it's not that great a table. But for 10 minutes of mindless ball-bashing (hmm, that sounded dirty... :eek: ...silverball-bashing), it serves the purpose well. And anything that involves the 1812 Overture can't be all bad.


New member
Jan 30, 2014
As much as they frustrated me at one point, Genie and Big Shot. I think I swore to never play either again after hitting the wizard goals.

I enjoy the simple rules and the laid back pace they run at now. I know a game of either won't usually go on for hours. There's also something incredibly soothing to me about hearing the ball rolling around in the absence of music. I ended up doing way better on both games once I turned my brain off and just relaxed.


Mar 25, 2013
Big Shot is my go to as well. Although I'll also go to El Dorado if I just want to wind down - even though I hate the "music". It is just nice aiming for a bunch of drop targets.


New member
Dec 27, 2013
I play Big Shot when I need to relax. It's old school in every way, from sound effects to scoring. And soothing, even when the ball is 'just' out of flipper range. Zero points on more than one ball, in an age where you can score ten million by having a heartbeat.


New member
Feb 5, 2014
I'm pretty shocked by the number of votes for Big Shot...

It's a great table, but I find it quite frantic because of all the nudging required. Maybe I need to find my inner pinball Zen (no, not that pinball Zen with the Tie fighters and superheroes - the other kind...)


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Relaxation? No time to relax, MUST...GET...WIZARD...GOALS.

Although I do occasionally allow myself to look forward to a time when I have all the goals, and in those moments I see myself playing Centaur, feet up, chilled out, racking up immense scores whilst getting a neck massage and sipping fine whisky.

'Slow, aren't you?'
Nah dude, just cruisin.


New member
Dec 27, 2013
I'm pretty shocked by the number of votes for Big Shot...

It's a great table, but I find it quite frantic because of all the nudging required. Maybe I need to find my inner pinball Zen (no, not that pinball Zen with the Tie fighters and superheroes - the other kind...)

Nudge do not...become the game. Accept that which happens. Flip if you must. Aim and shoot. But to nudge is to not accept.


New member
Feb 21, 2014
How do you all relax when playing Big Shot? I always become obsessed with trying to hit all the drop targets, and I never generally do, and it makes me frustrated.

Anyways, it's Taxi for me. Such a lighthearted, simple table.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I don't find any of it relaxing...however I don't stress so much like I used to when going for wizard modes, goals and such. If I've achieved a goal, my heart doesn't race and my palms don't get sweaty and the butterflies aren't in my stomach. Except Medieval Madness. Of course that will change when the next table comes up with some crazy wizard goal or wizard mode.

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I don't get to stressed out right now when I play and I find that I like to play Theatre of Magic or Taxi when I want to mellow out. I do understand how some tables can cause anxiety and stress I think it has a lot to do with the music and time to achieve certain things. Sometimes I plug in my headphones in my iPad and don't put them in my ears and listen to the lower volume of the table from the headphones laying on my desk.

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