Do you rant when playing TPA?

Do you rant/swear when playing TPA?

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Feb 2, 2013
"I. Am not. This frelling. Bad at. PINBALL!"

Usually that gets said at least one a day, usually when I end a game of TAF draining with multiple extra balls lit and/or Tour running.

Then there's days like this one:



Jan 30, 2013
Maybe not that much while playing TPA but IRL yes!!! I was in the arcade playing spiderman today, I got lots of replays but I was draing in the worst moments all the time I was by myself and screaming and kicking and I took a stupid T2 and some zombie arcade game shotguns and put it in my mouth and shot and pumped and reloaded and shot again then some stupid teenagers came in the arcade and started taking flash photos of themselves playing stupid air hockey while I was playng I held back but I had had some beers by then and even worse drains in worse moments. If you haven't played spiderman well every time you start a mode you get to double any shot you want and if you complete a mode you get to triple any shot you want and that ramp or whatever you choose scores triple for the rest of the ball but if you drain it all goes back to normal and yeah as soon as I tripled a good shot I would friggin drain I couldn't hold back when my drains became more annoying and yeah ranting is the least you could call my behaviour motha goddamn yeah.
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