Dr Dude and Firepower Announced for February!


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I thought El Dorado was another shoe-in myself due to the ranking. I think the real question is which version it will be (em or ss). Victory is pretty decent; other than that I'd really like Aces High as another EM to go with Big Shot. I think I liked Teed Off better than No Good Gofers, but I found it pretty difficult to hit certain shots in the Gottlieb collection version.

I'm hopeful Black Knight will be emulated and given Genie and other early solid state machines appear to be I can't see why it wouldn't be. Only machines they said would be a potential problem were the early Bally machines if I recall correctly.

I love Firewpower and I've never played Dr. Dude, but it looks pretty good - I like the open playfield. Space Shuttle and Pin-Bot are must-haves for me; can't say I'm too bothered about Whirlwind, but if it's partnered with something I'll enjoy then I'll pick it up as I've done with Genie and Harley Davidson. I really hope they do Sorcerer as well. Given the target number of fifty for this collection I expect a lot of new pinball experiences down the line!

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I'm pretty sure Genie is scripted, as is Big Shot.

EM's I understand scripting, but anything electronic should be emulated, regardless of how archaic. I just don't really understand the excuse. Atari 2600 emulation is a thing. Hell PONG emulation is a thing. Why not an early electronic pinball machine?

Sorcerer is sick and my favorite early 80's on the Williams disc. Whirlwind bundled with Earthshaker would be my guess (or wish actually lol).
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New member
May 26, 2012
I hate to be a negative nancy but until they start emulating the early electronics I'm not interested. Too many flaws in Black Knight I expect the same for Firepower.
Whether it will make a significant difference, I don't yet know... but I'm now on the beta test team and I have pretty thorough knowledge of those early-SS games such as Firepower, Black Knight and Centaur. I will be feeding back to the team any scripting errors or inaccuracies during testing. Hopefully we can get Firepower as close as possible to the real thing.

If I recall, it played well in HOF (with a couple of ball lock quirks) so the baseline should be most of the way there. Admittedly, in the case of BK the TPA scripting was actually less accurate than HOF. Let's hope that's a one-off. :)

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
Dr. Dude is one I remember seeing, but not actually playing.

Firepower is one of my all-time favorites, thanks to PHoF (though I recently got the chance to play a real one at long last). This seems to put me in a minority, but it's a historically important table, anyway.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
I thought El Dorado was another shoe-in myself due to the ranking. I think the real question is which version it will be (em or ss). Victory is pretty decent; other than that I'd really like Aces High as another EM to go with Big Shot. I think I liked Teed Off better than No Good Gofers, but I found it pretty difficult to hit certain shots in the Gottlieb collection version.

Most of the Gottlieb tables could very well be coming somewhere along the line. However, Victory is the only one that is 100% certain because they actually have one.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Yes. I love alphanumeric games.

I hate to be a negative nancy but until they start emulating the early electronics I'm not interested. Too many flaws in Black Knight I expect the same for Firepower.

As for black knight. That is the worst scripted game in the collection. But tge rest of the scripted tables are pretty spot on. Black hole was close but is now spot on and I'm pretty sure bop is scripted as well as taxi, big shot, genie etc. I think black knight is more an anomoly then the rule.

I'm pretty sure Genie is scripted, as is Big Shot.

EM's I understand scripting, but anything electronic should be emulated, regardless of how archaic. I just don't really understand the excuse. Atari 2600 emulation is a thing. Hell PONG emulation is a thing. Why not an early electronic pinball machine?

Sorcerer is sick and my favorite early 80's on the Williams disc. Whirlwind bundled with Earthshaker would be my guess (or wish actually lol).

I think it's more of a cost to gain ratio here. A lot of the time relatively few tables used the same romsets. An atari emulator is a single program for a single piece of hardware.


New member
Dec 30, 2012
After playing a PinMAME version of Firepower I'm really looking forward to adding it to my TPA collection. Very lively table.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
As for black knight. That is the worst scripted game in the collection. But tge rest of the scripted tables are pretty spot on. Black hole was close but is now spot on and I'm pretty sure bop is scripted as well as taxi, big shot, genie etc. I think black knight is more an anomoly then the rule.

The only tables that are scripted are Big Shot, Black Hole, Black Knight, Genie, Gorgar and the upcoming Firepower. All the other tables are ROM emulated.


Nov 9, 2012
I can honestly say that I had never heard of Dr. Dude until it was previously announced for PA. I've played hundreds of tables via Virtual Pinball, so that is an odd one. It's highly-rated, so I look forward to a new experience.

Firepower is important historically. I played it a ton around the same time that Gorgar was taunting me with "Me Gorgar, beat me." I do like the ball speed of Firepower. It makes for a nice challenge. I do hope that the developers capture that satisfying clunk as the mechanical locks captured a ball.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Interesting that Genie is scripted because it's definitely different from the Gottlieb Collection - guess that's from having more time with a real live one?

Now that we're through the kickstarter releases and the revamped interface (seriously loving the portrait mode now; a full-on iTunes interface feels less critical as this is quite speedy to flip through tables and I can see loads at a time) I'm hoping they'll take their time to clean up any loose ends on some of these machines with Circus Voltaire and Black Knight having some of the most glaring issues outstanding (though I still like playing them).

Firepower was quite excellent on the Williams Collection for Wii, so if it's up to that quality I have no worries about scripting.


New member
Sep 26, 2012
This duo doesnt follow the Attack From Mars / Genie combo all that great. But I'll buy, hopefully Farsight will follow this lineup with something better, there have been quite a few great fan requests that havent been filled yet and while Dr Dude and Firepower have been mentioned, they're not the names I see come up most. That said, I'm so happy with the Attack / Genie combo that I should really just shut up about my complaining. yep, i'll do that now.

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