Dr Dude and Firepower Announced for February!


New member
Nov 19, 2012
...Underwhelmed. I'm gonna have to be a voice of descent here and say that Firepower is dreadfully dull to me. I didn't "grow up" playing it, I attach no nostalgia to it (or any table, I play pinball because I love pinball, not because it makes me feel warm and fuzzy about the past), and while it may have a place of note in pinball history... it just does nothing for me to play.

I only ever played Firepower in FS's PHOF game, and I love it, really. It's really simple and has some very satisfying shots, I think. Activating multiball feels better than in most newer games, with the exception of Funhouse.

In fact, I found Sorcerer much, much, much more boring and tedious to play.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Oh, and kudos to FarSight for not solely going for the popular top rated pinball tables! They are digging up a lot of underrated gems, and throwing a bunch them on the table alongside frequent top-rated DMDs helps more people discover games that they never thought they would like.
I don't think it makes sense from a business perspective (there are so many awesome non-licensed DMD games yet to go), but I think FarSight are a great bunch for not neglecting these tables. Like many others, I'd love to see more EM's too, despite those being typical underdogs.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Seems to me they could/should have at least had a stronger 'headliner' in that scenario.....I knew with Firepower in WPHOF that it would be in TPA someday, but they should have treated it like Big Shot and put it with a table that everyone was really psyched for.

Considering that I really love Firepower, I believe a) it IS a strong headliner, and b) I AM really psyched for it.

Sorry you aren't a fan. They aren't all going to be winners to all of us.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
My point is, everyone needs to post their own opinions about certain tables and not clump "everyone" into posts on their opinions about certain tables because we all have our own tastes in tables and I don't think one group's favorite tables should be prioritize over another group's favorite tables.
Not only this, but people's tastes can change as they get exposed to more tables. I still heavily favor DMD tables, particularly 90's Williams/Bally machines, but I've found myself playing more older tables both in-game and in real life after being exposed to them in TPA.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I have also only played Firepower in digital form (I played Firepower II as a kid, but don't really remember it) and I just love it the way I love Gorgar or Black Hole for the loud, brash sound effects and high speed ricochet action that keeps me on my toes. I think that it's the upcoming table I'm most excited for with equally ancient (and similarly loud) tables like Space Shuttle and Centaur close behind.


New member
Jun 10, 2012
While I respect everyone's opinion on the tables they prefer over others, I don't see why assumptions are made of why some of us like certain tables. I happen to like Firepower and not because of nostalgia or the historical significance it had in the history of pinball, but because it happens to be a great table IMO and I find nothing dull about it.

Also, as good as Attack from Mars is, many people have openly admitted to actually playing Genie more than Attack from Mars, so one cannot assume what tables everyone would or wouldn't be psyched for.

My point is, everyone needs to post their own opinions about certain tables and not clump "everyone" into posts on their opinions about certain tables because we all have our own tastes in tables and I don't think one group's favorite tables should be prioritize over another group's favorite tables.

By the way, I love playing pinball and will buy every table FarSight releases. I still play both real world pinball and digital pinball on a regular basis and will do so for as long as I'm able to.

My point about nostalgia was that maybe, maybe I could see the fandom of some for the table if I had also loved the table as a kid (though I doubt it), not claiming that the only reason anyone does is because of it. Everyone is entitled to like what they like, and I am equally entitled to find Firepower dull.

To your second point, Genie looks 1000 times cooler to me than Firepower (which, yes, I have played in WPHOF), and I too am looking forward to getting it on console, though I imagine that I, and the vast majority of people who both do and don't post on here will play AFM considerably more, even if a few anecdotal posts say the opposite.

My generalizations may not be to your liking, but wait until there are some kind of sales numbers for Dr.D & FP, it will be among the worst selling table packs, I have zero doubt. Look at the Pinside and IPDB lists. See a ton of love for Dr.D & FP compared to AFM, MM, TOM, STTNG, TAF, TZ? No. Why would you think they would be as popular, and in turn sell as well? I really do love TPA, but there is no data analysis, or common sense notion that gives any reason to believe that pairing these tables makes for as compelling of a table pack to consumers (not just the tiny little percentage that post on here), especially as it deviates from the 1 DMD, 1 earlier formula, in favor of 2 older machines. Sometimes people actually make intelligent, and even real common sense generalizations, and not just use them as a way of pushing their agenda, and I believe completely that when there is data available in the future on sales and plays and total play time, mine will be proven correct.

I don't see the need for the 'pinball til I die' sign off, though it is maybe the only thing in your reply to my original post that I can agree with. And I'll probably end up owning FP for TPA, because they will probably only offer the 2-Pack when it is eventually released for the Wii U, and I am interested enough in Dr. Dude to buy the pack if ala carte isn't an option (though they have yet to tell us how they plan to offer tables in the Wii U version). But I still think it is an ill-conceived Pack on FS's part, and will prove to be a comparably poor seller because of the pairing.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
My point about nostalgia was that maybe, maybe I could see the fandom of some for the table if I had also loved the table as a kid (though I doubt it), not claiming that the only reason anyone does is because of it. Everyone is entitled to like what they like, and I am equally entitled to find Firepower dull.

To your second point, Genie looks 1000 times cooler to me than Firepower (which, yes, I have played in WPHOF), and I too am looking forward to getting it on console, though I imagine that I, and the vast majority of people who both do and don't post on here will play AFM considerably more, even if a few anecdotal posts say the opposite.

My generalizations may not be to your liking, but wait until there are some kind of sales numbers for Dr.D & FP, it will be among the worst selling table packs, I have zero doubt. Look at the Pinside and IPDB lists. See a ton of love for Dr.D & FP compared to AFM, MM, TOM, STTNG, TAF, TZ? No. Why would you think they would be as popular, and in turn sell as well? I really do love TPA, but there is no data analysis, or common sense notion that gives any reason to believe that pairing these tables makes for as compelling of a table pack to consumers (not just the tiny little percentage that post on here), especially as it deviates from the 1 DMD, 1 earlier formula, in favor of 2 older machines. Sometimes people actually make intelligent, and even real common sense generalizations, and not just use them as a way of pushing their agenda, and I believe completely that when there is data available in the future on sales and plays and total play time, mine will be proven correct.

I don't see the need for the 'pinball til I die' sign off, though it is maybe the only thing in your reply to my original post that I can agree with. And I'll probably end up owning FP for TPA, because they will probably only offer the 2-Pack when it is eventually released for the Wii U, and I am interested enough in Dr. Dude to buy the pack if ala carte isn't an option (though they have yet to tell us how they plan to offer tables in the Wii U version). But I still think it is an ill-conceived Pack on FS's part, and will prove to be a comparably poor seller because of the pairing.

Fair enough and looking back, the last paragraph in my post was indeed unnecessary...my apologies.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
How comes that a table like Firepower has it's own fanpage!?!? ;)


Because it's awesome! :p

PS. I have played Firepower in real and virtual forms. I almost bought one about five years ago but the guy wouldn't come off his $800.00 price. It was in average shape but perfectly playable. Personally, I love the simple yet feature packed (3 ball multi ball, kickback, four pop bumpers, multi ball count down, etc.) game play that Firepower offers. And those early 80's solid state sound effects really kick @ss. Especially IRL.
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New member
Sep 18, 2012
Mkay, I play the phof version again and read the instructions this time. :)
But I probably won't start liking the art.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
"Voice of descent"...

Heh... sorry, couldn't resist... call me a grammar/spelling nazi, but when I see something like that, I sort of tend to not take the rest of the post so seriously.


New member
Jun 10, 2012
"Voice of descent"...

Heh... sorry, couldn't resist... call me a grammar/spelling nazi, but when I see something like that, I sort of tend to not take the rest of the post so seriously.

Dissent. Yes. Just looked back, can't believe I didn't catch that when I first wrote it. Then again if you think spelling is more important than content, you should be teaching school and ruining the future of America (or whatever country you are from), instead of being a jerk on the internet. Just like if you think spelling accuracy is indicative of intelligence, or you think that intelligence and education are the same thing... come to think of it, do you teach K-12 school?

Just kidding... mostly.
Done, as per Jeff's request.
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New member
Sep 1, 2012
...Underwhelmed. I'm gonna have to be a voice of descent here and say that Firepower is dreadfully dull to me. I didn't "grow up" playing it, I attach no nostalgia to it (or any table, I play pinball because I love pinball, not because it makes me feel warm and fuzzy about the past), and while it may have a place of note in pinball history... it just does nothing for me to play. And it's much less visually appealing than Centaur or Sorcerer (which damn well better be included in TPA if they're going to force Firepower on us). Also, not all that impressed with this as the first pack without a DMD table. Seems to me they could/should have at least had a stronger 'headliner' in that scenario. Dr. Dude looks pretty cool, but it's not particularly highly rated, and with Cactus Canyon, Champion Pub and others known to be coming, I find this kinda baffling as a pack. I knew with Firepower in WPHOF that it would be in TPA someday, but they should have treated it like Big Shot and put it with a table that everyone was really psyched for. Hopefully Dr. Dude really impresses, more than I expect it too. Looks pretty likely to out-do Taxi and Harley for the least loved pack. ...Wonder if I'll be able to buy Dr. Dude ala carte in the Wii U version and save a couple bucks... who knows at this point, what with the total lack of details coming forth on the Wii U version.

Anyway, still love TPA, but I just really don't see why so many love Firepower, and why FS thought Dr. Dude & Firepower would be a smart combo. ...And why they're so quiet about the Wii U version still.

I haven't played either table up close (although my former dentist actually had a Dr. Dude in his waiting room), so I can't confirm or deny your assertions. However, I think you unintentionally brought up an eventuality that FarSight are going to have to come to terms with, probably sooner rather than later—namely, what do they do when all the feasible big-name DMDs are already in TPA? Personally, I think the answer might look a lot like what we're seeing this month: an older table of some historical import headlining each month with a lesser table as the "B-side". The question of how well this would sell is still up for discussion, but I'm just making an observation about one reasonably likely possibility for how later installments of TPA will work out.


New member
Apr 6, 2012
Haven't played Dr Dude. Doesn't really float my boat, but at least it's variety.

I've loved Firepower since forever. Just the sheer speed and brutality of the game. And the noise. In real life, it's a very imposing table.

Regarding the emulation ... is there a technical reason why Firepower (a System 6 game, I think?) is scripted, rather than emulated? Just curious.

Regarding Genie, I can fully understand why people may play it more than AFM. I love AFM, like most people, but Genie's artwork is beautiful, the layout is clean and obvious, and the theme is appealing. Apart from being a typical drain monster, it's the perfect solid-state mix of engineering and art.

(However, I don't understand how people can really play it on touch devices. The nudging is utterly vital on these games, yet it doesn't work well, at least on my iPad.)

Also, I think tables like Genie appeals to people because it represents pinball before tables became super-complicated and super-crammed with gizmos, toys, ramps and conflicting goals.

As good as technological terrors like Twilight Zone are, there's something to be said for simplicity of design, clean clear shot-making, and flow.

Anyone can have a game of Genie, and understand what's going on. The same is not true at all for later games like Ripley's or TZ or Monster Bash or Creature.
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Dr Dude sort of has an Elvira and the Party Monsters feel to me, only there is more to do on Dude. I'm not in love with the Dude theme, but it is still fun to play. That spinning mixmaster thing is a nice feature.

Firepower is just a classic. I haven't seen one in a long time, but is has a great multiball setup that has a rewarding feeling when you get it going. Can get a lot of short games when the bounces aren't being kind.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
(However, I don't understand how people can really play it on touch devices. The nudging is utterly vital on these games, yet it doesn't work well, at least on my iPad.)

I very rarely nudge the table in real life; the only reason I do it in the iPad is if the ball is stuck in a loop in Scared Stiff or because of the Cirqus Voltaire Highwire lock ball rattle. I tend to treat pinball like pachinko that way: if it drains it drains.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I very rarely nudge the table in real life; the only reason I do it in the iPad is if the ball is stuck in a loop in Scared Stiff or because of the Cirqus Voltaire Highwire lock ball rattle. I tend to treat pinball like pachinko that way: if it drains it drains.

They can't do much for your scores on a real machine, playing like that?

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