Dr Dude and Firepower Announced for February!


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Playing without nudging is a great way to "train". As long as you have a good aim and know what shots are the safest, you can get pretty far.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
The only tables where it seems necessary are the really old 50s tables with four out-lanes and frankly I've yet to use a digital nudge control that was sufficiently like the real thing to bother even then. Most of the time I end up either tilting or ensuring the ball drains!


New member
May 27, 2012
I agree that nudging on iPad is perfectly manageable once you're used to it. Easier than a real table in my opinion. I do wish you could nudge up and have different nudge strengths though.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
The only tables where it seems necessary are the really old 50s tables with four out-lanes and frankly I've yet to use a digital nudge control that was sufficiently like the real thing to bother even then. Most of the time I end up either tilting or ensuring the ball drains!

I think the nudging on X360 works perfectly. It risks a tilt, if you don't moderate it, and it will help you in all the way nudging helps on a real table - keeping the ball in the bumpers, repeating/selecting rolloverlanes, redirecting shots off slingshots, pushing balls out of the outlane areas, keeping the ball from dropping off a flipper in a trap position, etc.

The only "downside" of it (and one I really don't mind) is that it is too controllable, and thus a very powerful tool. But you can't really make it differently on a simulated pinball table, since the computer always has to follow instructions, and you can't really simulate the randomness of trying to move a huge cabinet with a thumbstick, it's similar to the "issue" of the table physics always behaving in the same way.


New member
May 27, 2012
Game breaking, annoying, or minor bugs? Also, if they haven't already submitted wont it be at least a couple of weeks?


New member
Jul 18, 2012
So what is their historical performance of time span from "Video Release Announcement" to "Table Release"
The video has been out for a week, does it take them more than that usually to release tables on the past?


New member
May 27, 2012
The last couple of times it has shown up within 5 days of the android beta release. That would have been yesterday. However, apparently ios recently got a second beta build. Not sure if that's common or not. If not, we could be waiting a while due to the App Store approval time.


New member
May 27, 2012
GameCenter achievements are up for the new pack. Logo also changed on GameCenter, showing Dr. Dude. It would have to be pretty close then, right?


New member
Feb 2, 2013
I know there were texture issues with the nexus 10 they wanted to iron out plus Dr dude seems a bit unpolished in the beta. Dr dude is fun to play but I just can't get into the theme and the shot options seem kinda limited. This is more a critique of the original design than FS's recreation.

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