DX11 Public Beta Bugs


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Fungi..breath...just lighten up abit. You seem really intense, we all agree its an issue and I wasn't suggesting this as a permanent solution.
I was just suggesting to try it, for now, just to get by till the issue is addressed.
In motion its much easier to see due to the ball being a brighter metallic color

I know right? Just a tad maybe.

Well it just seems when people have an issue with a screw not being in place, that's important. But when I bring up something that would actually help the playability, I get push back.

To JPelter's point. No, I don't care about realism if it detracts from actual gameplay. Judging by the ball with a Thing hand sticking out of it, neither does FS.

Just make the ball look like a chrome mirror. Like they're supposed to. Mirrors have a tendency to reflect every little light source around. The light source doesn't even have to be near. It's just nature.
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I doubt GTX260 is fully Directx 11 compatible as it was released in 2008?

I did a bit more research and it doesn't support DX11. There is so much false info on the interest :). It is no big deal as I play in the cab normally and it works on that. Maybe FS can add a check and catch the no DX11 elegantly for the public release.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
To JPelter's point. No, I don't care about realism if it detracts from actual gameplay. Judging by the ball with a Thing hand sticking out of it, neither does FS.

I don't disagree with your general point at all. I just think making self-illuminating balls or making it unrealistic looking kind of runs counter to what TPA is supposed to do. I'd rather they just fix the ball reflection if it's possible and increase the GI to make the tables more lit. Some of them seem to be way too dim currently.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I don't disagree with your general point at all. I just think making self-illuminating balls or making it unrealistic looking kind of runs counter to what TPA is supposed to do. I'd rather they just fix the ball reflection if it's possible and increase the GI to make the tables more lit. Some of them seem to be way too dim currently.

Boom. This is what I'm asking for. Very nicely distilled sir.


Table: MM
Bug: The ball got caught on the lower "lip" of the castle drawbridge (the metallic part) and it almost got stuck there permanently.

Notes:To reproduce, lower the drawbridge and shoot the castle with low-medium strength with the gate still closed. I had the trolls up at the time so it might require some weird angle/ball spin.

Note: It did not look like a physics collision bug. The ball did not spaz out. It rather looked like it just didn't have enough acelleration to get over the drawbridge lip the first time and slightly swung on the drawbridge like a pendulum. To fix this, either make the collission model for the entire drawbridge a simple plane or lower the lip.


Apr 18, 2015
While looking through my stuff, while I do have DirectX 11, it says I have Direct3D in the software section of my Catalyst Control.

Would that affect my issues? Should I try and upgrade to DX11.1 for whatever features that may bring, or try and reinstall DX11?


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New member
Nov 6, 2013
i reported earlier that
the plunger moves not smooth when u pull it back with totan

this happens with all tables with dx11
when using a xbox one controller

with mouse u can pull it back accurately
but with controller it jumps the 1st 20% back when u try to pull it
bug does not occour with dx9

another bug:
pa crashes when u want to log off from your account in dx11

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
My biggest gripe overall is the fact that this release is simply a rehash of the XB1 and PS4 version. FS clearly did not build on top of the dx 9 version.

TPA DX 9 - Has stereo sound throughout the main menu. The dmd/backglass lighting displays over the table when lit for LCA and possibly others, CV has alternate colors during gameplay, etc.

I'd like to know why there are so many discrepancies between DX 9 and 11.

Alex Atkin UK

New member
Sep 26, 2012
I don't disagree with your general point at all. I just think making self-illuminating balls or making it unrealistic looking kind of runs counter to what TPA is supposed to do. I'd rather they just fix the ball reflection if it's possible and increase the GI to make the tables more lit. Some of them seem to be way too dim currently.

The issue is that its NOT realistic right now though, its not reflecting tables lights when it should.

So either they include an option to apply light reflections on the ball from further away (on PCs than can handle it), or they allow some other tweak that will STILL not be realistic, but at least playable.

My biggest gripe overall is the fact that this release is simply a rehash of the XB1 and PS4 version. FS clearly did not build on top of the dx 9 version.

TPA DX 9 - Has stereo sound throughout the main menu. The dmd/backglass lighting displays over the table when lit for LCA and possibly others, CV has alternate colors during gameplay, etc.

I'd like to know why there are so many discrepancies between DX 9 and 11.

Things cannot be moved directly from DX9 tables to DX11 and redoing it all from scratch would be insane (just look at how long it took for the Xbox One version to be made) when they have the Xbox One version they can work from.

So the real problem is not keeping track of where the DX9 and DX11 versions differed so they could ensure parity during the conversion.
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New member
Oct 20, 2012
My biggest gripe overall is the fact that this release is simply a rehash of the XB1 and PS4 version. FS clearly did not build on top of the dx 9 version.

TPA DX 9 - Has stereo sound throughout the main menu. The dmd/backglass lighting displays over the table when lit for LCA and possibly others, CV has alternate colors during gameplay, etc.

I'd like to know why there are so many discrepancies between DX 9 and 11.

Bear in mind that this is a public beta, and with this upgrade there will be a slew of discrepancies for probably weeks to come. Most will get fixed, but some will linger.

My main frustration comes from two things:
A) Not knowing if I will need to upgrade my video card just to play DX11 TPA on my relatively new computer
B) Why can't FarSight seem to incorporate sound quality with the jump in graphic quality. The jump in graphic quality from the PS3 to the PS4 destroyed the sound (evidently it's still botched), and this seems to be the case on PC too, though not quite to the same extent as the PS4 version.

I'd be more enthusiastic if FarSight's upgrades actually did upgrade the overall experience.

Patrick McBride

New member
Feb 20, 2012
I can't even load the DX11 version. I immediately get a "PinballArcade11.exe has stopped working" error and it quits out. I deleted the game and re-downloaded the entire thing from Steam again (plus dx11 beta) and updated my video drivers just in case. Same error.

Anyone else getting this? Any ideas how to fix it?

Here's the details on the crash...

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: PinballArcade11.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 553181df
Fault Module Name: nvwgf2um.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 54d1603a
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00206f56
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789


New member
Jan 26, 2014
As suggested earlier a simple fake reflection effect on the ball would suffice just to make it visible. I don't need to read the DMD in the ball reflection, and I doubt anybody can. So it is better to invest hardware power elsewhere.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
As suggested earlier a simple fake reflection effect on the ball would suffice just to make it visible. I don't need to read the DMD in the ball reflection, and I doubt anybody can. So it is better to invest hardware power elsewhere.

Push the hardware to the limit and add more options to the configuration tool.
So that everything is optional.

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