DX11 Public Beta Bugs


New member
Jul 1, 2013
Bug?: When Room Lighting is set to 0%, going into the View Instructions on the Goal Screen, the arrow used to point out instructions is blacked out (actually transparent). Need a bright colored arrow for night mode. Confirmed this on Centaur and CV.

Edit: This appears to be an issue on all tables.
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Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Am I missing something or is the ball too dark to see when the lights are down? Pretty lights. Too bad I can't play the game now. Also, there's an odd rectangular dimming of the DMD at the right in CV.

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Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Really? This is how it's supposed to be? I know it's supposed to be like I'm playing in a dark room, but if that includes a dark gray ball that disappears as soon as it gains some speed, then I guess I'm done with dark room setting. Too bad. I was looking forward to it. Becareful what you wish for huh?


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
How about some glow in the dark balls!!!

You dont have to use the dark grey balls in dark mode


New member
Oct 31, 2013
Firstly, thanks for getting this beta out! It's good to see how much better the lighting looks under DX11.

I've spotted a few glitches though:

* The config utiliy isn't DPI-aware and came up with the wrong screen resolution (in the same way the Steam client thinks my resolution is lower than it is).
* When the DX11 EXE is being run the mouse pointer becomes really laggy outside the window, including on my secondary monitor. This doesn't happen with the DX9 EXE.
* I played Black Knight 2000 (worked fine). I then tried Centaur but it wouldn't launch when pressing Start. I then played Cirqus Voltaire (very impressive lighting, albeit with darker areas as mentioned by others). I went back to BK2000 and it wouldn't do anything when I pressed Start. Exiting Pinball Arcade and going back in worked, I was able to play BK2000 then.
* Clicking Game Setup on a table's intro screen gives an error saying "Table Setup is not available in Head-to-Head mode".
* It looks like the DX11 EXE isn't DPI aware, everything looks fuzzy. The DX9 EXE *is* DPI aware and everything looks pin-sharp.
* The UI buttons are wonky with text not being centred (this is the case on the non-beta DX9 too) on high-res screens - see these screenshots for an example:

DX9 mode:

DX11 mode:

My system specs: Windows 10 Tech Preview, i7-5930K, 16GB RAM, GTX 980, monitor 1: 3840x2160 at 60Hz, monitor 2: 1920x1080 at 120Hz


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Really? This is how it's supposed to be? I know it's supposed to be like I'm playing in a dark room, but if that includes a dark gray ball that disappears as soon as it gains some speed, then I guess I'm done with dark room setting. Too bad. I was looking forward to it. Becareful what you wish for huh?

I haven't tried it yet as just waking up, but maybe a highlight can be added to the ball (maybe optional or as a new custom 'nightplay ball') for the darker setiings. Pro Pinball did something like that.

If you look at this video of a real CV playing in complete darkness a couple of white highlights are always shown on the ball.

I have got to say from the screenshots posted in this thread it does look like really really nice lighting, so hats off to Mike and the FS team for listening to this forum.

Excellent to see a lighting slider, hopefully it can go really dark. Looks like the case from the screenshots.


New member
Jan 19, 2014
Crash/freeze bug.

I had my sound set off because I like to ball and listen to a podcast from time to time.

Ran DX11 version (which looks amazing btw) of White Water, then Cyclone, with no sound and the game locks up hard on both tables when I go into menu and try to turn the sound back up.

The actual freeze happens after raising the sliders, and I hear the sliders' audio que to demonstrate the sound level, but it freezes when I confirm the changes and try to head back to the game.

I have to alt tab and force it closed.


New member
Jul 1, 2013
I haven't tried it yet as just waking up, but maybe a highlight can be added to the ball (maybe optional or as a new custom 'nightplay ball') for the darker setiings. Pro Pinball did something like that.

If you look at this video of a real CV playing in complete darkness a couple of white highlights are always shown on the ball.

I have got to say from the screenshots posted in this thread it does look like really really nice lighting, so hats off to Mike and the FS team for listening to this forum.

Excellent to see a lighting slider, hopefully it can go really dark. Looks like the case from the screenshots.

Go directly to 0% for the light level. +1 on the custom ball. I would buy that!


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I'm having the letterboxing issue in portrait as well, as everyone else is having. I even tried switching the buffer settings around and had no joy.


Jan 30, 2013
Running in slo mo for me :( Dx11 settings on lowest.
I thought GeForce 840M was supposed to be able to run DX11. At least it says so on their website.

Windows: 8.1
Intel Core i7 4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz 2.60Hz
RAM: 8.00 GB
x64 bit
Nvidia GeForce 840M
500 GB SSD

is this expected not to work? What upgrade/upgrades would be most important for dx11 to work?
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New member
Jan 26, 2014
I am too a member of the extreme letterboxing crowd.
I deeply suggest to make the game handle the rotation setting internally and not to rely on Windows display setup.
I know this makes sense on mobiles with their orientation sensor, but not on pc.
Would be more stable over all.
And I wouldn't have to switch to portrait only for TPA ;)


New member
Feb 17, 2015
  • The yellowish background of the main menu is stretched out and barely moves.
  • The Challenges tab is blue instead of purple and has a movie reel instead of stars.
  • The font size on the initial menu on DX11 is much smaller (better) than on DX9 of the same version of TPA. Sadly most of the other menus have a too big font.
  • You can't use mouse buttons as flippers, annoying when you have one hand. As mentioned before, the mouse cursor doesn't fade away.
  • I chose 1920x1080 as the resolution, but the windowed screen on my 2560x1440 monitor was much smaller, more like 800x600, so I had to manually adjust it and eyeballed the dimension. After a restart the game keeps that dimension.
  • I changed the resolution in TPA config to 2560x1440 but when alt+enter to get full screen it's only in 1920x1080 as shown in my monitor info.
  • I can't choose 2560 as Back Buffer (or is it BackBuffer) and the config util won't accept typed in numbers, they get reset to one of the numbers in the dropdown menu.
  • The Circus Ball and Neon in CV don't have the same color. The color of the ball changes between games, but the Neon stays blue.
  • The game crashes when you choose the TAF lightbulb ball skin in any table, all other ball skins are selectable.
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New member
Sep 10, 2013
My PC specs:

Asus G53SX Gaming Laptop
i5-2410m CPU
GeForce GTX 560M
4 GB of RAM

I run all my games in 1366x768 for optimal performance. I should also mention that I am playing in full-screen by pressing ALT-ENTER.

Who*Dunnit: The table took maybe two seconds longer to load than the DX9 version. I adjusted the room brightness to 20% and tried to start the game, but the start button wouldn't work. After several tries, I exited out and went back in. This time it worked.

The main backing music stopped playing roughly 20 seconds into the game, but came back when certain cues were activated.

Otherwise, I tried a few tables at random and everything looks great! There weren't any major bugs I noticed other than slightly longer loading times on certain tables. This feels like a major upgrade and I love it so far!


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Did you try turning down MSAA samples, MSAA quality and AF?

I did that too. Game still has massive stutter. Tried HD, Cyclone, LCA, HH, and BSD. A most noble effort by FarSight-graphics do look better than PS4 IMO and the lighting effects rock. For me, the frame-rate completely derails it. Back to DX9 for me.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Looks way better! Can't wait to see the portrait working. Here just a few suggestions to really make it shine. Also a few issues I found are noted:

(1) After launching table, if you choose Game Setup, and then go back, the START button won't launch the table.
(2) The darkest setting is great, but maybe could go darker.
(3) Any chance of adding more sliders, specifically one to control the intensity of the table lights (like the Zaccaria Pinball mobile App)?
(4) To overcome the issue of the ball being really grey in the really dark mode, maybe add a new custom 'nightball' which has a white highlight or two.
I guess in real life even table lights at extreme ends of the table (relative to the ball) will reflect off the ball, but maybe in TPA only lights within a specific distance can do that for performance reasons.
A fake highlight could work - I think Pro Pinball did this.
(5) On CV the Neon doesn't change colour between table launches like it does on my Xbox 360 version. That was a really nice feature to have.
(6) Some tables lighting is better than others. eg: AFM and POTO. I suspect you may be planning a rework of some of the others.
(7) Could lighting sliders be moved to the Pause menu. Not only easier to adjust in game (particularly in a cab), there more people will notice it.
(8) More light bleed would be desirable as some seems confined to a ringfence.

Thanks again for a great first public beta :cool:

Specs: Win7 32-bit 4GB RAM. Core i7 (early model). GTX480 1.5GB RAM.
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