DX11 Public Beta Bugs


Apr 4, 2015
I'm a little irritated with the MM table. 20% brightness seemd good to me, but the middle of the table an the castle seem to get less light from everything than the rest of the table. I can't remember the original table to be like that.
My main problem is that i can't see which lane is lit behind the dragon, absolutely no chance there.

Click Thumbnail for bigger picture.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Here's a pic of the real machine in a dark room:



Jan 30, 2013
Am I missing something or is the ball too dark to see when the lights are down? Pretty lights. Too bad I can't play the game now. Also, there's an odd rectangular dimming of the DMD at the right in CV.


This looks awful the ball surely must reflect some light which would make it more visible?

And whats that orange thing in the eye of the ringmaster?


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Am also getting the super slomo play. But when choosing a table or at the 'title screen' where I chose 'My Tables", It scrolls fine. Here's my specs:

Processor - AMD A4-3420 APU w/Radeon HD Graphics 2.8GHz
4 Gb Ram
64 Bit

Tried turning down MSAA and AF to lowest values, and choose Buffer width and height to match monitor (1024x768)

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
Should we be providing a Dxdiag.exe dump with our posts to help with technical details of our reporting?

Running DX11 on Cyclone table during gameplay I went into options menu then sound menu.
I've noticed the table is defaulting to 10% volume
when I went to change the sound volume sliders up to about 95% sound effects and 35% music and then select back..the screen froze and now says Not responding.

edit : removed dxdiag log
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Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
Am I missing something or is the ball too dark to see when the lights are down? Pretty lights. Too bad I can't play the game now. Also, there's an odd rectangular dimming of the DMD at the right in CV.

I think the easiest fix for this would be to just make the balls surface brightness independent to the table..leave it as reflective surface but make the surface brightness static or have a minimum value(or make a custom ball that does this )
I did a quick and dirty shop with the ball from the default 50% lighting ..it might be to bright but maybe 35% etc would work great
but the ball would be way easier to see in the dark area's without working about the engines ability to reflect light over that great a distance.


New member
Dec 26, 2013
I'm getting occasional choppy, studdering gameplay. Has happened on several tables. Every time it is going on, I look at Steam's FPS counter and it says 60 FPS. Seems to pop up when the camera is moving from the default position. Even if the game is running at 60 FPS, the camera movement feels jerky.

i7 2700k @ 4.9Ghz, 16GB ram, GTX 980 SC.


New member
Dec 21, 2013
Found a bug in Cactus Canyon: Sound cuts out when told you have high score and to enter initials. Knocker does sound, but nothing until you get into game over.


New member
Apr 18, 2015
Haven't seen anyone mention this detail yet - I've also been getting the bug that causes the game to run at absurdly fast speeds, but only when a friend tries to watch via Steam broadcasting. My FPS will instantly jump from 60 to almost 200 and stay that way until the game is restarted. Forcing VSync globally from my NVidia settings doesn't seem to affect this at all.


Apr 4, 2015
Here's a pic of the real machine in a dark room:


Thx for the pic. Then the middle is ok, but the castle got mich more light than in my Screenshot.

My main problem is still that I could recognize which lane is lit behind the dragon on the real table and have no chance to do so in PBA.


New member
May 17, 2013
- Running the game on a 1280x1024 monitor, i see black borders up and down, as if watching a 16:9 movie. Dx9 version runs full screen, taking all of the pixels, without any black borders. I would like dx11 to use all the pixels on a 5:4 display.

Anyoen wih a 16:10 display?Does the dx11 version have small black borders up and down in normal landscape mode?


New member
Apr 25, 2014
AF is the 5th option on the DX11 configure list. It's listed as "anistrophy".

Ok thank you turned it fro 16 down to 1 still no differance. I am going to take the laptop to microcenter and see what they recomend upgrading. I will let you guys know, if I get it to work, how


New member
Nov 6, 2013

i found a bug too:

the plunger moves not smooth when u pull it back
it jumps back a few cm (making skill shots hard when its the 1st hole)

with dx 9 it moves completely smooth and u can move it millimeter accurate forward and backwards

i use a xbox one controller
(i tested this several times and it happens all the time with dx11)
other tables seem not to have that problem but i haven't played all yet


New member
Nov 6, 2013
Anyoen wih a 16:10 display?

i have an eizo foris fx2431
which has a native resolution of 1920x1200 (16:10)

but i play all pc games with 16:9 (1920x1080)
there are NO pc games which have true 16:10 support (at least i have found none)

with 16:10 (1920x1200) ALL games will zoom the 16:9 (1920x1080) picture to fullscreen.
instead of seeing more (60 lines on top and bottom) u see less on the left and right side with 16:10 !

so best is to use a 16:9 resolution in games (with black borders on top and bottom) even if your screen supports 16:10.
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