DX11 Public Beta Bugs


Apr 18, 2015
Well, I tried the regular version with high settings, and it still ran smooth as silk. Yet DX11 with the lowest settings are unplayable for me. I can't figure out why. I play other modern games just fine on my PC.


New member
May 17, 2013
so best is to use a 16:9 resolution in games (with black borders on top and bottom) even if your screen supports 16:10.

This makes 0 sense. You have a monitor, 16:10, 16:9, 4:3, 5:4. You should have games using ALL the pixels of the screen. TPA dx9 DOES that on my 1280x1024 5:4, so does GTA5. Not a pixel wasted and NO black bars up and down. I don't want 16:9 content made to fit with padding, i would like tpa dx11 just like tpa dx9.

Like this:

And not like this:



New member
Sep 18, 2012
Well, I tried the regular version with high settings, and it still ran smooth as silk. Yet DX11 with the lowest settings are unplayable for me. I can't figure out why. I play other modern games just fine on my PC.

Do you have two graphics apdater? Maybe the beta picks the wrong chip.

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
Change your backbuffer to 1080 width and 1920 height.

tried but it doesn't work end result are same as the previous users screen cap.

these are my settings


if i leave the nvidia rotation at default ..and it just displays in regular landscape mode despite backbuffer being set to 1080x1920


Jun 27, 2012
In Circus Voltaire, the neon light is only ever blue no matter how many times I exit to the main menu to make it cycle randomly. In DX9 it does randomly go with any of the four possible neon light colors when you enter the table from menu.

Also, going back to DX9 to confirm DX11 bugs as being exclusive to DX11 makes my eyeballs fill with sadness. Does that count as a bug?


Staff member
May 29, 2013
Trying to start The Addams Family always crashes TPA. It happens from the table overview: I press start and a few seconds later the program crashes. In DX9 I still can start the table. I also haven't experienced this on any other table - I've tested them all.

System: Windows 7 64 bit
ATI 6850
Driver Version: 14.501.1003-141120a-177998C
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 2.80 GHz

Also, Portrait mode doesn't work. TPA runs the game in Landscape format, but in portrait orientation. So I get a picture with the size of 1080 x 607 and huge black bars on top and bottom.
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New member
Aug 2, 2014
Monitor selection from the first Setup tab is not respected

Monitor selection from the first Setup tab is not respected on vs 1.37.5 DX11 (beta).

I have three monitors connected to my K2000 card; the one I like to play pinball on is monitor #2, 1200x1920 (portrait). Works fine on standard version, but in the DX11 Beta, the game shows up on the primary QFHD monitor and while this is a decent card for a workstation, it can't quite handle TPA at that resolution (3840x2160)! I can drag the window to the desired monitor, but it doesn't switch to portrait proportions. I did drag it to my third monitor, a regular 1920x1080 screen and it looks very nice there. It is remembering which monitor was most recently used and subsequent starts put the window on that monitor.

Edit: Should also have mentioned that I set the back buffer to 1080x1920 as suggested in the main beta post and it is not display in portrait orientation either in the window or in fullscreen mode on the 1200x1920 monitor. Also tried setting the back buffer to 1200 wide by 1920 tall to match the monitor.
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New member
Aug 2, 2014
Confirming AshleyAshes post #88. Same for me: Circus Voltaire shows only blue neon. "Simba's" ball still changes color, though; they match in standard mode. I'm seeing those translucent rectangles in a previous screen capture (post #23), too.
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Jan 30, 2013
Dont know if it's a bug on piball arcade's behalf, but pinballarcade11.exe wasn't automatically picked up by Nvidia, I had to manually add it to the list of programs in Nvidia settings. Now slowdown has stopped! Speed up instead but at least it's running under Nvidia now!

Edit: Ok now I set dx11 settings to highest, as they were to begin with, and it works!

Edit: Okay now I'm getting occasional slow downs during playing, don't know what activates them.
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Apr 4, 2015
I run the game on max settings and the bonus score und black hole is nearly unreadable. Still on 20% room lights, works best for me so far.


New member
Jun 10, 2013
Ok thank you turned it fro 16 down to 1 still no differance. I am going to take the laptop to microcenter and see what they recomend upgrading. I will let you guys know, if I get it to work, how

The DX11 executable might not be using the more powerful GPU since your'e using a laptop.

You might be experiencing the same issue that switch3flip had.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Got a bug here. Could someone test out Flight 2000 and describe to me what they see? I'm seeing weird "streak-like" fading upwards from the flippers. The streaking also changes along with the flipper movements. I'd take a screen shot, but it's not translating well.


New member
Jul 1, 2013
Got a bug here. Could someone test out Flight 2000 and describe to me what they see? I'm seeing weird "streak-like" fading upwards from the flippers. The streaking also changes along with the flipper movements. I'd take a screen shot, but it's not translating well.

I just checked Flight 2000. It looks good for me. I am running an HD 7790 video card at max settings on WIN 7.

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