DX11 Public Beta Bugs


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Will post about performance changes (CV) once I get her up and running.

Sorry for that kind of question but, as a non-english, has a graphic card have a (female) gender in english ?
Could someone explain it to me please ?


New member
Apr 30, 2014
I also experience FPS drops on CV, TOAN, Black Hole, and some other more. Those usually happen when the camera switch to an event, or when I change the camera view. I hope they can figure out this problem, because I really think my system is up to the job for this kind of game...

Intel i5 750, AMD HD Radeon 7770 1GB, 8 GB RAM

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012

When can we expect to see these implemented DX11?

1. Timer on cursor visibility
2. Full screen mode

I also still have to press Alt-Enter a few times to get the true resolution even with both my 720 and 1080p monitors.

Once these are addressed Im buying seasons 3 and 4. Just hope a steam summer sale doesn't get here before then. ;)


New member
May 4, 2015
Couple of minor graphics issues I notice in the DX11 version so far:

- The texture on the Bigfoot gimmick in the Whitewater table looks odd - bleached out, untextured areas. At the default level of room lighting he looks stark white; at 10% room light, which is where I've been playing, he merely looks less detailed than the DX9 version. I was going to attach images, but that seems to only use an URL, not uploaded from local ... but I have some if someone wants them.

(I also noted this on the Steam forums, where it was seen by a Farsight person but I figure it can't hurt to note it here too.)

- Should the Twilight Zone clock face be so transparent when not actually operating that it's unreadable? (For all I know, that's what it actually looked like in gameplay in a fairly dark room. I never saw an actual TZ table in the wild.)


New member
Oct 20, 2012
To those of you with more powerful graphic cards than the onboard POS that came with my computer:

I've noticed no changes in DX11's frame rate so far with the updates. Anybody notice any difference in frame rate, good, bad, or indifferent?


New member
Apr 8, 2014
You'll see a slight boost, probably. The 750Ti is not that much better than the GTX560. (Source: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-graphics-card-review,3107-7.html). However it does have the huge added advantage of being powered directly from the expansion slot with no additional power inputs required.

The GTX750 Ti is in place now and actually a pretty good card. My GTX560 only had 1 GB RAM on it and the 750 has 2 GB. Not seeing any stuttering or lag in CV tonight. I am now also able to hook up HDMI cable to have 3 monitors (my 32 "TV and 2 dell monitors) going and notice no drop in performance at all on the GTX 750 Ti. I was not even able to do just one monitor and HDMI on the 560 without real bad lag in PBA. I'm running a solid 60 FPS on all tables.


New member
Jan 8, 2013
Biff, nope on my AMD R7770 I had switched to using all all the Catalyst Defaults when testing with DX11. So Multisampling is on and Supersampling is off.

Last night I tried overclocking my AMD R7770 and the results were spotty as far as resolving my TPA issues. (I messed with the clock and memory settings, but did not get into messing with the voltage. Perhaps if I did, I would have seen different results.) At at any rate, after the spotty results I finally got tired of this. So, today I ordered a NVIDIA GTX 960 that will be here next week. (It was my birthday coming up soon, so that also wound up making it easier on my wife who claims I always exchange (or upgrade the hardware) on her electronic "surprise" gifts to me anyways. She's pretty much right. :) ) The price on the GTX 960 was great today, and there are various sales going on and give-a-ways. I was considering a GTX 970 (and that was okay by my wife too as my birthday gift), but then I would have had to upgrade my power supply too and by then it would have cost around twice as much as this GTX 960. Although being more future-proof with the GTX 970 would have been nice, in actuality this was mostly for TPA, so twice as much overall cost wasn't worth it to me.

Hopefully soon I will have lose the pixelation in DX11 Addams Family etc, and no lag in DX11 Cirqus! (I also had some pixelation in DX9 tables, but AMD Catalyst Supersampling helped there.)

I guess now, I can start paying closer attention to all the NVIDIA tweak tips in this PC forum and on Steam. So... I have changed teams.
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Active member
Dec 18, 2013
Last night I tried overclocking the AMD R7770 and the results were spotty as far as resolving my TPA issues. So, I finally got tired of this. So, today I ordered a NVIDIA GTX 960 that will be here next week. (It was my birthday coming up soon, so that also wound up making it easier on my wife who claims I always exchange (or upgrade the hardware) on her electronic "surprise" gifts to me anyways. She's pretty much right. :) ) The price on the GTX 960 was great today, and there are various sales going on and give-a-ways. I was considering a GTX 970 (and that was okay by my wife too as my birthday gift), but then I would have had to upgrade my power supply too and by then it would have cost around twice as much as this GTX 960 (and since this is mostly for TPA it wasn't worth it to me).

Hopefully soon I will have lose the pixelation in DX11 Addams Family etc, and no lag in DX11 Cirqus! (I also had some pixelation in DX9 tables, but AMD Catalyst Supersampling helped there.)

Congratulations.That 960 gtx is a great card.
Enjoy it.


New member
Apr 30, 2014
How much do I have to invest in a gpu to play a pinball game? 200$? 300$? 800$?

I'm pretty sure those fps drops on particular tables and during particular times are related to an optimization issue. If not, then explain my why I get fps drops on Black Hole (!!!) and Cirqus Voltaire, but not on beautiful tables such as TAF, Star Trek, TZ, etc?

AMD Radeon 7770 1 GB, works flawlessly on most of the tables (constant 60 fps), except on a few ones.


New member
Jan 8, 2013
Last night I tried overclocking my AMD R7770 and the results were spotty as far as resolving my TPA issues. (I messed with the clock and memory settings, but did not get into messing with the voltage. Perhaps if I did, I would have seen different results.) At at any rate, after the spotty results I finally got tired of this. So, today I ordered a NVIDIA GTX 960 that will be here next week. (It was my birthday coming up soon, so that also wound up making it easier on my wife who claims I always exchange (or upgrade the hardware) on her electronic "surprise" gifts to me anyways. She's pretty much right. :) ) The price on the GTX 960 was great today, and there are various sales going on and give-a-ways. I was considering a GTX 970 (and that was okay by my wife too as my birthday gift), but then I would have had to upgrade my power supply too and by then it would have cost around twice as much as this GTX 960. Although being more future-proof with the GTX 970 would have been nice, in actuality this was mostly for TPA, so twice as much overall cost wasn't worth it to me.

Hopefully soon I will have lose the pixelation in DX11 Addams Family etc, and no lag in DX11 Cirqus! (I also had some pixelation in DX9 tables, but AMD Catalyst Supersampling helped there.)

I guess now, I can start paying closer attention to all the NVIDIA tweak tips in this PC forum and on Steam. So... I have changed teams.

I tried Overclocking adjusting the voltage too. Did not help on my AMD R7770. Oh well, the Nvidia GTX 960 is now scheduled to arrive here in two days, Friday. And to answer your rhetorical question, Bruno.. It will wind up costing me, after rebates and shipping, $190 U.S. Since I agree with you that it could be related to an optimization issue (or I sometimes wonder if there could be a driver related conflict involved too), it would have been harder for me to justify this purchase in my mind if it wasn't my birthday coming up. :) (NVidia is throwing in a free Witcher 3 game at least, too.) I am hoping this new GTX 960 graphics card not only fixes lag in certain DX11 tables such as CV (and Black Hole I just confirmed is slow on my R7770 like yours too), but I also hope the GTX 960 will improve the pixelation I get on object edges in even other tables such as Addams Family (which is one where I get a nice 60 FPS). Plus moving to this more modern generation GTX 960 certainly will help me on other games if I ever find the time to play them.
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