El Dorado - first impressions / tips and stretegies?


New member
Apr 5, 2013
ok, these (this and Cue Ball Wizard) were released today/yesterday (depending on where you live) so we're all just having out first look at them.

my first impression is the same as for most of the older games, ie it doesn't do it for me. i had a few goes, managed to get 72 points for a score just over a million, and can't really see me racking up the hours on this one. soon i'll read the rules and then i'll know what to aim for, but it's not likely the rules will unravel a mysterious list of modes and trick shots, things to achieve and goals to meet. all i can see is some drop targets on the right, and some drop targets at the top, so i'm guessing that the rules will tell me to knock them all down a bunch of times.

enlighten me, tell us your thoughts people?


Nov 23, 2013
Terrible table. Firepower is worse though due to it´s horrible sound. I am not terrible into classics that is some bumpers and nothing more though. If it was me they would not do more classical tables. Need to have the complexity of at least genie and pin bot to really be interesting :)


New member
Oct 28, 2013

So much fun. Farsight can do no wrong! I love you guys!
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New member
Aug 18, 2013
goo_back, here already was one guy who told one same idea in every topic - bad things happened to him.
dont like old tables? PLAY MODERN ONES !! - tpa have tables of different types, so everyone can find something for him. when you demanding to not release old SS or EM only because you dont love them - it is atleast..hmm..not so smart.


New member
Oct 28, 2013
goo_back, here already was one guy who told one same idea in every topic - bad things happened to him.
dont like old tables? PLAY MODERN ONES !! - tpa have tables of different types, so everyone can find something for him. when you demanding to not release old SS or EM only because you dont love them - it is atleast..hmm..not so smart.

Don't like old tables? Taxi is my favourite table of all time. What are you talking about?

System 11 tables are my favourite pinball tables of all time.

Krooze L-Roy

New member
Aug 30, 2013
Rules are pretty much exactly what you'd expect. Smack the targets. Aim for lit stuff. Don't drain. Maker sure to get all the top targets on your first ball, so your bonuses are held.

Personally, I like it quite a bit. Great artwork, nice layout, difficult shots to make. It's not terribly involved or goal-oriented, so you can just sort of zone out and chill with it, without the pressures of timed modes or multiballs. I find that the shorter games are much more addictive than the ones where a credit can last 45 minutes.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I posted this in another thread. Guess I should have posted it here....

El Dorado City of Gold has such bad art & sound. It makes me feel car sick. I sooo wish it was the Target Alpha version instead. But it still can't stop this classic layout from being a top notch player. Perfectly placed drops and flippers keep me playing just one more game. And how can you not restart after leaving that one last target standing there just mocking you? Ed Krynski was an evil genius. And the speed and feel is spot on, thanks to FarSight for getting it right. Really enjoying this one. My time spent playing Big Shot will suffer because of this one.
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012

So much fun. Farsight can do no wrong! I love you guys!


Moving on,

I would have preferred the EM version, as I prefer the bells over the old SS sounds really, I've found it quite addictive though, not as punishing as Big Shot, but it's not a table you want to waste shots on, accuracy and control rules the roost here.

I spent the past 2 hours on it and I'm really liking it, now to try and get those wizard goals.


Jan 30, 2013
Great table which you appreciate the more you get to know it. Might not be the best looking, although the camo layout really has it's charm. Much rather prefer good gameplay than flashy toys to look at. Ok, probably won't make my top 10 most played TPA tables, but not bottom 10 either.
I like how you can think out different strategies. I like to shoot at the far left and right targets first, as they are the hardest to hit, then work my way to the middle. The middle targets are a little more dangerous, with SDTM returns, so I try to hit them from the upper flippers. I usually play portrait mode but on this table I like to play in landscape with closest view as I find aiming for targets easier this way. I try to at least clear all top targets once on first ball and to be honest I restart if I don't. Once you have cleared them once, you light extra ball every time you clear them again on every new ball.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
I like it but not the sound. It shows that FS flippers are precise. I'm glad there's no multiball, for a change.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I would have preferred the EM version, as I prefer the bells over the old SS sounds really, I've found it quite addictive though, not as punishing as Big Shot, but it's not a table you want to waste shots on, accuracy and control rules the roost here.

I spent the past 2 hours on it and I'm really liking it, now to try and get those wizard goals.

Speaking of different version, it would be kind of cool if they did offer the EM for a few bucks or the other versions of the same table layout with the different artwork.
Would be kind of cool like the different skins for the balls...but nicer.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Speaking of different version, it would be kind of cool if they did offer the EM for a few bucks or the other versions of the same table layout with the different artwork.
Would be kind of cool like the different skins for the balls...but nicer.

Would be cool, but they don't own any of the other pins with the same layout, only EL Dorado: City of Gold, so acquiring the playfield art for the others wouldn't be easy.


New member
Mar 29, 2012
I kinda like this table. It's a good one to take a break with from the complex 90s games.

But it's just... umm...

As an EM it's perfectly fine, and with 60s artwork and bells with sound it would have a lot or charm. As a SS though it plays and feels rather dated and out of step with the time this has been released in, doesn't it?

Makes me wonder what exactly Gottlieb was thinking when they "repainted" this for 1984 release. I mean... even "Black Hole" and "Haunted House" are more complex and have more to offer than this one. Where they running short of development time but they had to keep the line going somehow... or what was going on? Does anybody here know something about this? :confused:


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Where they running short of development time but they had to keep the line going somehow... or what was going on? Does anybody here know something about this? :confused:

They tried the old success formula and failed (no sales). For me it's the ugliest of the series.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
This busy table art really doesn't take well to digitization at the size of a phone screen. It looks like a collapsed spinach souffle.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
It's a fun table. So much to shoot for.

Please stop spamming the forum with sarcastic posts. Editing your posts does not hide what you originally posted from the moderation team, so I suggest you think about what you're going to post before hitting the "Post Quick Reply" button. We have no problem with you or anyone else posting their opinions, feedback and concerns regarding The Pinball Arcade, but we do have a problem with members spamming the forum with recurring negativity which does nothing to help FarSight improve the overall experience of The Pinball Arcade.


Nov 23, 2013
goo_back, here already was one guy who told one same idea in every topic - bad things happened to him.
dont like old tables? PLAY MODERN ONES !! - tpa have tables of different types, so everyone can find something for him. when you demanding to not release old SS or EM only because you dont love them - it is atleast..hmm..not so smart.

He is not the only one that find old tables inferior to modern more advanced designs I imagine.

I think it´s quite clever to voice an opinion. It´s kind of hard to avoid bad classic tables when they match them in two. I also got the season pass so I got it anyway. I had a hard time justifying the season 2 pass due to the amount of bad classic tables. If they loose the focus on classic tables like this we may get more modern designs or farsight may even get creative making their own tables trying to top Pro Pinball series :)


New member
Apr 12, 2012
Here's my impression. And this is from a guy that really likes the older style tables (BreakShot is one of my favorite chill out tables). This game is boring. Theres a difference between simple and boring, this lands on boring. Plus the low rez textures make it look like a pile of cut grass. And the 'music' is annoying. At least CBW was fun this month.

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