Face Book trolls getting meaner?


New member
Jun 20, 2012
Every few days i skim the Farsight Facebook page , to gauge the overall consensus on the game .

It usually boils down to 5 types :

1 I wish you would do this table next / why don't you do this table instead of that one .

2 Im a apple device owner (who gets updates and new content faster than anybody else) I purchased a table for $2.50 and it's not running perfectly , fix it or else .

3 Im a console owner and when is my next DLC coming./
Im in europe and why cant I buy the tables everyone talks about?

4 true fans defending the game over trolls

5 Hey when is the PC version coming out

If you have a FaceBook account , and the time to spare , that page needs more number 4s to stick up for this game , and I dont mean to feed the trolls , just show some support . The posts lately are out of hand there and the defenders need re-inforcements .


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Lol, every time I go there I can't help but sing Baba O'Reilly by The Who (Teenage Wasteland :D:D)

I think Farsight knows where it's true supporters are. They must feel that having the page on Facebook is worth it, frankly I would just pull it and retreat to the bunker where the total morons can be banned and those who just want info and to make proper requests can come and help this community flourish.

If it wasn't for my photography and my need to show off some of my less "photographically proficient" shots to people I like I would kill my facebook account altogether myself.


Jul 11, 2012
Agree with SIN's points. I myself dont FB I looked at it on someone's and just rolled my eyes....it's exactly how you put it. A request for a random memory thats not makable do to liscensing wich they'd know if they came here,complaints about cell phones not working correctly ,question of dlc usually horribly broken almost un readable english for EU and an occasional person trying to rally the madness that is FB.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I see a little of everything on there.
I do do understand people's frustration though and since Farsight does answer these questions I don't see anything wrong with people posting bugs
, but there is obviously a polite way of going about it.

I assume you are speaking more of the posts that start out with Hey #&#^@, Why don't you fix your @^%@$!!1!
Those should be ignored, deleted, and forgotten about.. in that order.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
That place is troll central. If it's not a troll, its some ignoramus once again asking about TAF...cause the answer isn't in every other post or anything.

My favorites are this...
FarSight: Hey, we're announcing that "_____" is available for dlc now!
FBer: F#@k you, it's probably broken and completely unplayable. You're stealing money from people!

Yep, I'm not wading into that cesspool.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I wonder if the person at FarSight assigned to read through and respond to the Facebook noise storm is allowed a stiff drink before commencing the ordeal? Only one of course, lest he break professional composure, but still...I feel really sorry for that person.


New member
May 23, 2012
Who needs facebook when you have twitter. You don't really have to deal with the trolls as much that way. Although I do think FS should tap into Google +. Can't get enough promotion via social media nowadays

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