Family Guy Pinball


New member
Jul 21, 2013
You can watch the video now on twitch under PSNation. The video is viewable so enjoy.
The video is just under 90 min.


Nov 23, 2013
I don´t like any of the new tables... The Family guy theme don´t help that table either. I feel grumpy lol


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Well the pack may not be for everyone. My favorite is American Dad by far. Tops South Park for me. Made by the same designer as South Park. So much to do. stack-able modes galore, Interesting Threat mechanic where the balls color is the difficulty of the mission/modes. Blue gives you less points/more time. Red ball most points/Shortest timer.

Archer is next because of the challenge. You can't spam MB that often on the table.

Bob's Burgers table is decent. Kind of confusing on how modes help with the final mode which is what you want to get too for good scores. Biggest drawback is the outlanes. They are nasty on this table.

Finally Family Guy. It's the weakest of the 4. Easily accessible all you do is start the modes for each character. The table is charming enough but I can't get past how good the other tables are.

Anyway I'm enjoying them. They're unique enough which is why I likes Zen's table as they bring a fresh new experience for pinball fans.

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