Farsight Halloween Mod table (Ghostbusters)

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New member
Apr 3, 2013
my friends thoughts on the stand alone table at the end of this month after being purchased will be based on daily credits or pay to play only. I hope it's not like my credits run out and I play again after they are regenerated or I pay to play when my existing credits run out.

Hmmmm... that's possible.

Remember the token thing in the new UI... Maybe some tables (the modded ones) will have a freemium model (let's say 3 free tokens per day, then pay to play. With maybe some tokens to win on others tables -which you already own)



Apr 7, 2014
Let them go ahead and start with the tokens idea...and they'll be out of the Pinball Arcade business pretty soon after.

It would truly be the most idiotic thing they could possibly ever do.


New member
Jan 27, 2013
Personally I think I would think long and hard before purchasing a table that has token scheme, and more likely than not would not buy the table.

I don't tend to play anything that work on free, but if you want something you pay more.

I guess I'm old school, you pay up front for your computer game, then pay for expansion packs, not for things that should of been part of the game in the first place.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
This is NOT, repeat, NOT, going to be a table that will be available in TPA. It will be an entirely separate standalone app. About the only mention you're likely to see of it in TPA is a splash screen advertising it that links to whatever store you use (AppStore, Play Store, etc.).

As a standalone app, they have to monetize it in some way. Whatever model they choose, people are going to be unhappy. If they go the "pay once, get it all route", some will complain that at $x.99 it's too expensive why not just put it in TPA as a regular table pack etc. If they go the "freemium" route, some will complain that they don't like having to buy tokens to play.

Either way this table isn't going to hurt their revenue from TPA one bit, it's only going to add to their revenue. It might bomb and they might not get much ROI, but it's not going to impact TPA in any way shape or form.


New member
Mar 12, 2013
I see a lot of hand wringing over speculation about theories about what the next project may or may not be.

In other words, needless worry, like paying interest in advance for a debt that may never come due.

Why don't we see what it is when it's released first?


New member
Jan 26, 2014
This means whatever table it will be it will be forever missing in tpa? Sux.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
This means whatever table it will be it will be forever missing in tpa? Sux.

The Pinball Arcade only features real world tables and the modded table will be an original table which means it won't be missing from TPA because it doesn't belong in it.

Many of you are under the assumption that this side project is featuring a table that would otherwise be available in The Pinball Arcade app itself which is not the case. How about everyone just wait until the original table is released before passing judgment.


Apr 7, 2014
The Pinball Arcade only features real world tables and the modded table will be an original table which means it won't be missing from TPA because it doesn't belong in it.

Many of you are under the assumption that this side project is featuring a table that would otherwise be available in The Pinball Arcade app itself which is not the case. How about everyone just wait until the original table is released before passing judgment.

True, and put it this way, if none of us like it or how they're selling it, we certainly don't have to buy it.

My comments were also more based on the screen shots of the "New UI" that showed "Tokens" on the screen for TPA.

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
I agree that we may all noble getting our panties in a bunch over something that hasn't even happened yet. HOWEVER, TPA does a great job reproducing classic pinball tables therefore I believe most of us are assuming they will not release garbage, whatever they release as an original table will be great. So.....going on their past quality we are assuming they will release something many of us will want to play. I also realize that many of the trolls out there think EVERYTHING should be handed to them for free. I blame our govt for that, politics aside, I hope there will be an option to either buy the game outright or if you're reAlly bad at math (ie:you play the lottery) you can play the freemium version. So, at this point, all we can do is wait and see (and speculate) ;-)


Apr 7, 2014
I agree that we may all noble getting our panties in a bunch over something that hasn't even happened yet. HOWEVER, TPA does a great job reproducing classic pinball tables therefore I believe most of us are assuming they will not release garbage, whatever they release as an original table will be great. So.....going on their past quality we are assuming they will release something many of us will want to play. I also realize that many of the trolls out there think EVERYTHING should be handed to them for free. I blame our govt for that, politics aside, I hope there will be an option to either buy the game outright or if you're reAlly bad at math (ie:you play the lottery) you can play the freemium version. So, at this point, all we can do is wait and see (and speculate) ;-)

I just don't get why anyone would put out a table for purchase, but then make it tokens only once you buy it? Again, all speculation, but I never did like seeing anything "tokens" related on that new UI sneak peek picture. I think that worried a lot of people.

However, if the tokens were more based on "Trial play", then I'd understand and would be fine with it. At least that makes sense.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
True, and put it this way, if none of us like it or how they're selling it, we certainly don't have to buy it.

My comments were also more based on the screen shots of the "New UI" that showed "Tokens" on the screen for TPA.

Exactly...once the table/app is released and if someone doesn't agree with the business model, they don't have to put any money into it. Sales figures will let FarSight know if their experiment was a success or a failure.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
And if FS makes more money with it, I think it can be a good thing for TPA too.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
And if FS makes more money with it, I think it can be a good thing for TPA too.

True...believe it or not, there are a lot of people who would rather pay a small price for a certain amount of tokens that allows them to play any of the 50+ tables without a score limit (per token) than to spend an average of $100 to purchase all 50+ tables. Then, if they like certain tables, they still have the option to purchase said table for unlimited free play and continue to use their tokens on other tables they're not so crazy about.

This business model wouldn't affect those of use who purchase the tables outright.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
Nope it's a free app. FarSight told me today:
Below is there reply:

The Pinball Arcade: We're still designing the monetization model. All we can confirm right now is that it will be out soon, and the app will be free to download.

So it sounds like a (cash cow) credit app. to me.
I will pass I hate pay to play apps. Slots etc. garbage!!!
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