Farsight Halloween Mod table (Ghostbusters)

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New member
Feb 21, 2012
So aside from using it for publicity to sell other tables, how do they make money off of it? Do you buy extra tokens or unlocking privileges? They could have probably used it for an original design and gotten some big money. Maybe they can do another ghostbusters table with a top designer down the road and dmd, voice clips, etc.


New member
May 16, 2012
So they will rebrand Haunted House. I would say, missed opportunity. Too bad, since they will have to pay for the GB license anyway, they might as well have used smth else/create smth from scratch (as they claim they did: "As we continued development, and since this is our first table released that isn't a simulation of a real world classic, we feel like it deserves even more than being featured in the Pinball Arcade collection.").

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Who knows, maybe they'll be able to use the license to make multiple Ghostbusters tables and this is just the first one. If so, the next one would surely have a more complex layout, maybe even something completely original. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
So they will rebrand Haunted House. I would say, missed opportunity. Too bad, since they will have to pay for the GB license anyway, they might as well have used smth else/create smth from scratch (as they claim they did: "As we continued development, and since this is our first table released that isn't a simulation of a real world classic, we feel like it deserves even more than being featured in the Pinball Arcade collection.").
Let's hope they take an opportunity to rewrite the FarSight Sound Mixer to allow stereo sound, and make dynamic lighting a thing in mobile platforms.

No simulation overhead for legacy pinball operating systems should allow them to free up some system overheads.


New member
Oct 26, 2013
So in the newsletter they talk about the token system.
1 free token per day, 2 if you have TPA installed.
What I'm wondering is, if one day you don't play, you don't use your free tokens , do they add up with the tokens you get the next day or are they lost?

Also, curious to see how much they will charge for those tokens...


New member
Jan 13, 2013
Like some others here, I'm very concerned about this token system. It makes me think of the EA mobile Dungeon Keeper fiasco. I REALLY hope Farsight doesn't force a token/credit/pay-to-play system on us. There's a reason I rarely visited arcades or played pinball back in the day. Even as a kid it just seemed like a horrible waste of money. I really despise this new freemium trend, which is especially common in the mobile market.

The only way I'd be okay with this is if it's in addition to the TPA style pricing/structure. I don't mind them offering a token/credit style system to those who want it, as long as I can buy the table outright for $5 or so. If they force everyone to deal with paid credits and slowly regenerating free credits, I will not support or recommend this game.

I'm not saying this is true but it could be a good reason for them to use Haunted House as the canvas. It's one of the more difficult TPA tables and, assuming the gameplay is the same, 10 credits won't last long at all. Of course they'll need a good hook to keep even those that tolerate the freemium model coming back.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
At least it's a fairly fun hard game unlike ST:TNG or the Twilight Zone.

Those were unforgivable for the first 50 or so games I had, and if I had to keep buying credits every time I'd have given up after the first three gos.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
i gotta say if i had seen the table pic when i found out it was haunted house I'd be much more wait and see then dissapointed. But seeing the pic reminded me I didn't factor in how awesome it would be to play ghostbusters pinball to the ray parker theme song. Hopefully the game plays faster than haunted house.

Also, the irony isn't lost on me that i grew up playing in arcades with quarters in my pockets and now i'm sorta ticked off we're coming back full circle with pay to play. but ultimately anything that brings the chance of a Leon: Professional, Hudson Hawk or Fifth Element mod one step closer to reality is okay with me. :cool:


New member
Apr 15, 2014
here's counting on fs to remake/remodel the hh layout for a gb table!! that would be just too much shorting the idea, if it were just a paint job... 1) fill in that damned hole between the two bottom right flippers!! that thing is a paaaain; the outers are far wide enough that that extra little 'oops!' just sucks!! and 2) fill in some of the holes in the upper table - far too many; seems like gott was initially planning another 'golf' game but then changed their mind halfway thru! ;)

and, wow boy, i sure hope they don't 'candy crush' this thing to death... i don't mind the idea of a 'few tokens at a time' as an option, along with the high-score limited demo!! maybe that's the idea, and it's just a test run... think what that could do for them!! for that matter, they could make it incredibly competitive to rl arcades; how many plays can you get for a single quarter anymore?? ;0 right, like NONE! they're all fiftycent, even down at the laundrymat... ;) maybe three plays for 25 cents?? every little bit counts!

thinking of it that way - as long as there's still an option for unlimited play like TPA currently is, just add a token system to the current setup... NO MORE KICKSTARTERS - ALL GOLD for future tables!! :) i know that's a fawning thought... but c'mon, wouldn't that be awesome if, in the future, they had the moneypower from that to do most any table, nearly any license, hire enough capable teams of progs to do everything we could ever want to see in TPA (and ancillary projects!), without doing financial handstands with only "the true believers"?? :) c'mon, yeah... that -would- be awesome! BUT, there better darn well be an "unlimited play" option still in gb!! (otherwise, it'll go the way that candy crush did for me - no money spent; not willing to get sucked into that "pimp/ho" customer relationship with King, lol! "where's mah moneh b*ch??" ;)


Staff member
May 8, 2012
For those just coming into this thread, here's the roll-up:

Some folks are OK with IAP/freemium/smurfberries;
Some folks are not OK with IAP/freemium/smurfberries;
Some folks are discounting Haunted House as a good table to mod for this project;
Some folks are willing to wait and see if Haunted House is a good table to mod for this project;


New member
Nov 28, 2012
IMO I normally loath FTP...HOWEVER, this token system sounds reasonable, especially given TPA owners will get extra tokens per day. So I can play the game for free a few times a day...which is probably the maximum I would play it anyway. I'm happy with that. :D
(I absolutely REFUSE to buy tokens/Credit for any game, give me the full game or forgetaboutit! :p )

As for re-using HH theme, it is disappointing they aren't going the modern DMD route, but they could have picked a worse pin to copy. :rolleyes:
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New member
May 10, 2012
It's going to end badly.


At least we are not close to Pinside bickering, yet. That place can turn ugly in a heartbeat when folks disagree. :) I guess arguing about 8000$ machines can get the blood pumping a little more.;)

Having some resolute moderators on this forum also helps, of course.(splendid work, guys)


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Considering that Farsight seem to be pals with a few certain pinball developers, it wouldn't surprise me if they got someone else to do the ruleset.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
The picture in the newsletter looked better than I thought it would. It'll probably be better than many of us are expecting. I was one of those who was pretty disappointed with HH being the table used as it's easily the table I've played the least on TPA.


New member
Nov 28, 2012

At least we are not close to Pinside bickering, yet. That place can turn ugly in a heartbeat when folks disagree. :) I guess arguing about 8000$ machines can get the blood pumping a little more.;)

Having some resolute moderators on this forum also helps, of course.(splendid work, guys)

Pinside makes this place look like a morgue. :D
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