Farsight hint for May DLC


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
For Table Pack 14, we've got two greats for you; a Bally and a Williams. Back in the 80s, this Williams table outsold the Bally table by over 4 to 1 according to www.ipdb.org. But... don't discount this Bally classic, there's a good reason why it was a fan favorite.

They stumped me on this one. Anyone have a guess?


New member
Sep 1, 2012
Centaur Pin*Bot?

It would almost have to be this; remember that we still get one PHOF re-release a month and Pin*Bot outsold Sorcerer and Whirlwind combined (12,001 for Pin*Bot vs. 3,700 for Sorcerer and 7,300 for Whirlwind). The Bally is obviously Centaur, since it handily won the poll we held on early Bally solid-states a while back, which leads us to a Centaur/Pin*Bot pack for May. That's going to be a treat, let me tell you!


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Well Bobby King did say the Stern vote table was going to be in pack 15 or 16. We just got pack 13 so I would say they estimate it will take 2 to 3 months to buy and make the Stern. And they have had a Centaur a little while already.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
They say there's a good reason why the Bally was a fan favorite. Possibly something with a popular theme, maybe a licensed table?

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
The only thing that doesn't fit is that Centaur sold 3,700 units according to ipdb, while Pin*Bot sold 12,001. So Pin*Bot didn't outsell Centaur by "over 4 to 1."

Maybe they meant three to one?


New member
Sep 1, 2012
The only thing that doesn't fit is that Centaur sold 3,700 units according to ipdb, while Pin*Bot sold 12,001. So Pin*Bot didn't outsell Centaur by "over 4 to 1."

Maybe they meant three to one?

That's probably it. Like I said above, we know the Williams will be a re-release, so Pin*Bot, as far and away the highest seller, would have to be the one. I'm almost as certain that the Bally is Centaur, since we gave them concrete proof that the table is a fan favorite, not to mention that we were told to expect Centaur either next month or June, but I could be wrong about this one.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
The only thing that doesn't fit is that Centaur sold 3,700 units according to ipdb, while Pin*Bot sold 12,001. So Pin*Bot didn't outsell Centaur by "over 4 to 1."

Maybe they meant three to one?

Yeah. And plus, they said in the 80s, and each pack is a remake from PHoF. It's going to be Pin*Bot.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Blackwater 100 fits mathematically at EXACTLY 4 to 1. Unless by more than 4 to 1 they are counting the single extra unit that gave Pin*Bot 12,001. It's the only table from any time in the 80's made by Bally that has any real popularity and sold that amount. Strange Science could be but that doesn't seem like a fan favorite. Party Animal has maybe a bit more following but at that point, PB outsold that more than 5 to 1. If this is just a math error I will be extremely disappointed as it will be yet another inaccurate clue.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
High Speed did outsell Centaur by over 4 to 1 (and F-14 Tomcat was only 300 units shy of 4 to 1), but since it's a re-release, it's definitely Pin*Bot. I think they just made a simple error.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Gotta be a math error. Though Blackwater is ok, why would FarSight do that table over Banzai Run? Meaning as far as a motorcycle themed pin goes.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
I almost bought a Transporter once, despite never playing it before. Glad I didn't, because when I eventually did play one, I hated it. I really hope that's not the machine they're hinting at.


Jul 7, 2012
Just checked the Bally Poll thread, first post:

FarSight would like your help in deciding which classic Bally table to re-create first. The table that receives the most votes will be put on the schedule to be released in May or June of 2013.

So good chance for Centaur next month

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
With Pinbot out of the way that only leaves Sorcerer and Whirlwind from Williams to go, as far as rereleases. Teed off and I'm sure a couple ems off Gotlieb but realistically, they will run out of rerelease tables soon.

It's centaur and Pinbot there's no question in my mind. Very excited for that. My guesses for immediate future: Champion Pub, 8-Ball Deluxe, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Getaway, Tales from the Crypt, then maybe Roadshow, Earthshaker, or Fish Tales based on rumors. That would take us into the fall.
Last edited:

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Won't be High Speed. They always release a table from the Pinball Hall of Fame games along with a table that they haven't made before.

I don't see this being the case 6 months from now. Unless they plan to do the entire Gotlieb collection which I doubt. Many of those were recreations based on pictures, pretty sure they want to own the actual machines going forward.

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