Farsight: When can we expect the next patch! The Public Beta screwed up my game!


New member
Jun 19, 2016
When can we expect the patch that fixes the Public Beta bugs. I have been told that a patch was supposedly in the works. Is it too much to ask for a time frame for its release? I consider PBA the best pinball game ever, but since I cannot change the screen resolution and the tables are visually "pinched" in portrait mode; I cannot play many of the tables whatsoever. It is killing me.

SO, what say you?



New member
Jun 19, 2016
....and let me add that I have zero problems with the game prior to this Public Beta being released. I really hoped I could have opted out of it.



Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
First, contact support@pinballarcade.com and raise your concern there.
Second, you are not still running the public beta are you? Because they are no longer doing anything with that.
Third, be painfully descriptive with your settings and how you have the table set up in the config mode. Take screen pics and post them.


New member
Jun 19, 2016
I already sent in a support request and got an ambiguous response about a patch that should fix everything....but that was quite a while ago. As far as settings, it doesn't matter. The game ignores the config settings altogether. This is in a cabinet and I used to be able to stretch the screen to the second monitor, but I can no longer do so. Now it snaps to a single screen and leaves a 1" gap between the table and the edge of the window. Frustrating. Is there a way to change it back then? I am referring to the Public UI beta, not the original of course.



FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
I already sent in a support request and got an ambiguous response about a patch that should fix everything....but that was quite a while ago. As far as settings, it doesn't matter. The game ignores the config settings altogether. This is in a cabinet and I used to be able to stretch the screen to the second monitor, but I can no longer do so. Now it snaps to a single screen and leaves a 1" gap between the table and the edge of the window. Frustrating. Is there a way to change it back then? I am referring to the Public UI beta, not the original of course.


Can you send me screen shot the gap between the table and the edge of the window and what your configuration settings are at?



New member
Jun 19, 2016
Here is a screenshot of my game. It is a cabinet, so you see the backglass above and the game below. The gap in between is on the upper monitor and before the UI beta, I could get the game to load full screen, stretched so the the DMD was on the upper monitor. Now, you can see the gap on both sides of the table and the game will only load in windowed mode on the lower monitor only. Switching to full screen changes nothing. The config screen follows and has no effect on the game at all. This is really sucking for me as I REALLY like PBA!!!


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New member
Jun 19, 2016
Interesting. When the game first loaded after the update, it seemed to be fixed. It loaded up in dx9 but had the full screen and no gap. But, alas, I restarted it and it is back to the way it was before in both modes. That sux......



New member
Jun 19, 2016
Playing with the game today, I found that the problem with the resolution lock is strictly with DX11. I can load DX9 in full screen, so no problems there. However, it is the DX11 that is the problem. I updated the drivers to no avail. That UI update did something with the DX11 settings on my game. Right now, it looks like above, loads in windowed mode and has the gap.....well at least I can see the start button! Frustrating.


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