Final three tables of Season Six UK


New member
Feb 5, 2013
The tables are all built in to the PS4 version, that allows them to update the tables easier, that was a big problem on PS3. If you look in the store at the tables, they should say "Purchased" that means its tied to your account but there is not an actual download to get, if there were it would say dowonload or installed.
Oct 15, 2013
Well when I purchased a season pass just that pass showed up under the add-ons section. I was able to manually go to the store and add all the indivudual tables to my add-ons, So now under add-ons I have a season pass and all the individual tables as well.


New member
Feb 5, 2013
Well when I purchased a season pass just that pass showed up under the add-ons section. I was able to manually go to the store and add all the indivudual tables to my add-ons, So now under add-ons I have a season pass and all the individual tables as well.

Right, and they all say Purchased. There is nothing to actually download onto your system.

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