Finally have a Centaur


New member
May 10, 2012
Congrats, and welcome to the Centaur club. PS! Centaur is famous for the playfield getting yellow, so this is normal and happens to most of them

Looks like you did an excellent job with the restoration. You got it to work and shoot well. That's always the most important thing and not a gimme.

Fine job with the leds and board repair, also. It is always a pluss when you are able to keep the original S&T sound board, and yours sound excellent.

You might be fed up with all the work right now, but just watch what a beauty that was hiding behind all that rust and dirt.

Unfortunately, there will always be major work to be had with the backbox if the game has been treated bad, but with new allteks you are probably set for a couple of decades, at least :)

Have a ton of fun with a fantastic pin. you clearly deserved it. Really happy for you.

Well done!


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Haha my last phone background were your pics of The Getaway High Speed II. Time for an update! These are professional quality dtown8532, have you thought about hosting all your pinball pictures online somewhere?

I used to post my work on flickr which included some of the pinball stuff but haven't in years. They had a 200 pic limit, unless you paid. I don't know if that's changed or not. If it has, maybe, I'll add some more. Photography has always been a love of mine but, in the end, it's just a hobby. I'm no pro.

My flickr stream


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I'm still using my 10 year old Canon 30d. I'd like to upgrade but, only to full frame and that's....pricey. Anyway, for my wide shots I use a Sigma 10-20 and for the ball shots I use a Canon 60mm macro. It just seems like, in the age of the cell phone camera, everyone's a photographer. I just do this stuff for me anymore. Still appreciate the love though. :eek:
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New member
Apr 25, 2014
That is awesome [MENTION=320]dtown8532[/MENTION], congrats and great work fixing it up. It sounds great in the vid post another please if it has improved :). Thank you for sharing


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Cute doxie dtown. My doxie hates when my subwoofer kicks in during movies.
That Centaur is looking mighty clean. A+

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